"The Word" podcast

Pete Atkin and Clive James began writing songs together at Cambridge in the mid-60s. In the first half of the 70s they made a series of albums for RCA that were the definition of cult success. That means they didn't pay enough money to feed anyone but nonetheless endeared themselves to a small constituency vocal enough to make sure they weren't entirely forgotten. In the late 70s they pursued individual careers - Atkin as a radio producer, James as TV's licensed jester – but remained in touch.

In this latest podcast from our Backstage series, they talk to David Hepworth about the career they almost had and the digital miracle that brought it all back. Their newest release is called "Clive & Pete - Live In Australia" because that's what it is. This conversation also includes a dilation on the iambic pentameter in popular song, the powerful pull of live performance, the bizarre way the record business operates and the lavatory joke that has sustained James's career for the best part of forty years. You can stream the podcast below or, even better, subscribe directly or via iTunes for free so that future podcasts from our "Backstage" stream wing their way to your desktop.

New podcast featuring Clive James and Pete Atkin on their forty-year songwriting partnership.
Posted by David Hepworth on 6 October 2008