Poems by Clive James

Since my volume of collected poems The Book of My Enemy was published in 2003, I have written other poems. Nearly all of them are available under the various headings in this section. Under the link marked Recent Poems can be found those poems which have been published in periodicals since the appearance of my latest collection Nefertiti in the Flak Tower, which came out in the UK in 2012, and is scheduled to come out in the USA in late 2013.  That volume has a separate link for itself. Another collection published in both countries is Opal Sunset, which contains a selection of my shorter poems from 1958 right through to the release date of Angels Over Elsinore in 2008. Since many of the poems in both The Book of My Enemy and Angels Over Elsinore are also in Opal Sunset, I have tried to avoid duplication by sometimes making the contents list shorter than it might have been; but I am well aware that there are overlaps. A recent redesign of this section has left a lot of donkeywork to be done, and there are poems I care for that will go on floating in limbo until they get copied in. The general intention, however, is clear enough: I would like to make everything available, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as I am able to go on writing verse.


ALR, David Free 

New York Times Sunday Book Review

Village Voice

Poetry Daily


Abundance in a Small Space

Christopher Reid CJ Parody


BBC Radio 3

LRB Peter Porter