Ronnie Ross was born Albert Ronald Ross on
October 2, 1933 in Calcutta, India.
He died on December 12, 1991 in London, England.
If not for Gerry Mulligan, he would have been the
most famous jazz baritone sax player in the world.

(left) Ronnie Ross and (right) The Jazzmakers - Ronnie Ross,
Art Ellefson, tenor and Keith Christie, trombone. Thurrock Jazz Society,
Dell Road, Grays, Essex. Early 60's. Photos thanks to Mike

This site has been constructed jointly from two
sides of the Atlantic through
the cooperation of four lovers of jazz. In London, Rodney
Pledge and in
the USA, Ron Meyers, Mack McShaffrey and Mike Hadlow.
It has been built in loving memory of the great musical moments that
Ronnie Ross provided which will linger forever.