Pete Atkin sings
Our Lady Lowness

by Clive James and Pete Atkin,
from The Road Of Silk

[Much more at]


In the city, in the plain
Replete in every place of strain
Are all the places I have lain
With Lady Lowness

It's not for need of board and bed
Or wanting of a crust of bread
That brings a gentleman to bed
With Lady Lowness

Though need may serve to weaken one
The true seduction is begun
Inside the mind where deals are done
With Lady Lowness

          Our Lady was methodical
          Her teaching soon took hold
          I learned to blame the cold for being cold
          The poor for being prodigal
          The old for being old

          Our Lady was meticulous
          With each satanic trick
          I learned to spot the lame among the quick
          The plain were the ridiculous
          The simple were the sick

In the city, in the plain
Replete in every place of strain
Are all the places I have lain
With Lady Lowness

It's not for need of board and bed
Or wanting of a crust of bread
That brings a gentleman to bed
With Lady Lowness

A pleasure for the mind all right
But still you couldn't call her bright
Here pampered brilliance shed no light
She was herself part of the night
Our Lady Lowness