Pete Atkin sings
Lady Of A Day

by Clive James and Pete Atkin,
from Driving Through Mythical America

[Much more at]


And so goodbye, my lady of a day
Now let your step be long and now your laugh be gay
It's only right that everything went wrong
It couldn't happen any other way

A thousand miles east, the lovers say
It's written in the sky with stars that lead away
It couldn't happen to a nicer guy
A nicer girl, my lady of a day

     Through screens of memory you leave me
     Smile on the screen behind
     And then the screen behind the screen behind the screen
     But nothing alters what has been
     Nor do my eyes deceive me

And so goodbye, my lady of a night
Now let your head be clear and now your smile bright
As hour by day by week by month by year
You dim but never wholly disappear
On the curving path away from my delight