
Cottonmouth had such a way of saying things
Phrases used to fly like they were wearing wings
Never had to weigh a word
Said the first thing that occurred
And round your head the stuff he said went running rings

Cottonmouth, what a brain
Absolutely insane

Cottonmouth would tell the girls he sighed for them
He talked of all the lonely nights he cried for them
Afterwards they told their men
I just saw Cottonmouth again
That guy's a scream, and never guessed he died for them

Cottonmouth, what a brain
Absolutely insane

Cottonmouth packed up one day and did a fade
Turned edgeways on and vanished like a razor blade
Considering how people here
Are downright simple and sincere
It could have been the smartest move he ever made

Cottonmouth, what a brain
Absolutely insane

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