Photos from the Midnight Voices summer garden party ("FoD 99")

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Band of itinerant dowsers spotted taking a lime bath in a Derbyshire village. Left to right: Leslie Moss, Sylfest Muldal, Richard Corfield, Roy Brown, Steve Birkill, Julia Daly, John Denton, Ian Sorensen, Carole Birkill, Ben Coulson, Paul Gunningham. This is the augmented line-up of tribute band The Beautiful Changers. Photo Alexis Birkill.
The party opened with a set from The Beautiful Changers. Here we see Richard, Ian, Paul, John, Ben, Roy and Leslie. Review
Pete was next, fielding questions from the floor and giving us an insight into the art of songwriting, illustrated on guitar and piano. He followed this with a set of cover versions, including songs by Nanci Griffith, Steely Dan, Rodgers and Hart, and, to howls of laughter, Terry Allen. Then came Mel Powell's discussion group on the lyrics of Clive James. In this very well-attended session Mel, together with panel members Leslie Moss, Sylfest Muldal, Roy Brown and Andrew Long, developed ideas from the floor on the significance of recurring themes in the song lyrics. Commentary | Transcript.

All photos on this page by Alexis Birkill.

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