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 1   Pete Atkin / Gigs / Re: Toft House, 15th March - set-list and report  26.03.25 at 09:08 
Started by S J Birkill | Newest post by Jigbuster
Quite right, Phil. My requests at Ambleside were "Dancing Master" and "Over the High Side".
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 2   Pete Atkin / Gigs / Re: Ambleside 13th. March song list and report  25.03.25 at 08:26 
Started by Space Cowboy | Newest post by Space Cowboy
As if by magic , Woking has appeared …
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 3   Pete Atkin / News / BBC Radio Scotland  25.03.25 at 01:11 
Started by S J Birkill | Newest post by S J Birkill
I don't believe we've yet reached the point where any radio programme featuring one of Pete's songs is worthy of mention here, but today I heard for the first time in, well, ages, from MV founder members and Monyash '97 attendees (along with several other events in the early days), Pat and Richard Llanwarne. They are currently "Richard and Pat" on MV, having resigned the email list in September 1997 but rejoined (after it became the MV Forum) in August 2006.  
Pat and Richard listen to Iain Anderson's 9 p.m. radio show on BBC Radio Scotland, and were surprised and delighted to hear Iain's first selection on last night's (Sunday 23rd) programme, "Have You Got A Biro I Can Borrow". This prompted them to visit the Website, where they learned about the upcoming Woking gig, and promptly reserved a couple of places.
Which goes (perhaps) to show that any publicity, however remote or obscure, is worth having. I hope all members will keep this in mind while executing their daily drear. Oh yes, and if any other MV old-timers show up at Woking I hope you'll say hello to Pat and Richard. Now, how many of you can remember where you put your Andy Love enamel MV 'Walk Towards The Music' badge, complete with our original URL!

PS: I should have credited Angus MacIver (he of the far-flung island, MV member at the time) for the badge artwork.
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 4   Pete Atkin / Shrinks / Re: Shrinks at the Alma, March 9th  18.03.25 at 01:02 
Started by S J Birkill | Newest post by S J Birkill
As half-expected, Dave Lewis wasn't able to play the Alma gig, Sunday before last.
Dave Lewis, bass guitarist and record producer to the stars and constant voice of the rhythm section in the otherwise fluid line-up of Bristol band The Shrinks, has been suffering for some time with unremitting lung cancer, despite bouts of chemo- and radiotherapy. He's quite frail now and, though philosophical about his illness, has regrettably had, for the time being at least, to lay down his Jazz Bass.
It may not be the end of The Shrinks -- there's a possible replacement waiting in the wings -- but our thoughts must be with Dave, one of the good guys. On Sunday's gig Pete was able to fill in some of Dave's bass lines on his keyboard, so the show could, and did, go on.
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 5   Pete Atkin / Gigs / Re: Woking, June 21st (e-mail address)  18.03.25 at 00:22 
Started by S J Birkill | Newest post by S J Birkill
Pete says:
"Fingers crossed the Woking e-mail address is all OK now."
I think by this he means that the "pawokiing" bit was indeed a typographical error in Chris Harris's e-mail, and not in the setting-up of the address. Or the other way round(!). Either way, you should now be safe in directing your reservation requests to:
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 6   Pete Atkin / Gigs / Re: Ambleside Thursday 13th March  10.03.25 at 14:24 
Started by Jigbuster | Newest post by Jigbuster
Still some availability, I think, but there might not be by Thursday so get booking!
Tony Farren
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 7   Pete Atkin / News / Re: Pete Atkin - Biographical Note  10.03.25 at 14:22 
Started by S J Birkill | Newest post by Jigbuster
Super summary, well done, Pete and Steve!
It's a bit late for this week's gigs but it would make an excellent basis for a press release to promote any future dates.
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 8   Pete Atkin / News / Re: Pete & Clive on Radio 4 Extra 19th Nov 2024  07.01.25 at 15:36 
Started by Chris H | Newest post by Avner Greenberg
What a pleasure to listen to these programs again. A big thank you, Steve and Chris.
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 9   Pete Atkin / News / Re: The Pheasantry  28.11.24 at 17:52 
Started by S J Birkill | Newest post by Chris H
Thanks for the clip of Julie singing "Just in passing".
"The Party's Moving On", was a favourite of mine and the sort of quirky and interesting programme that I soubt would be given the chance today.
After hearing Pete on the radio, I spotted an entry for rhis progarmme in the LWT shedules purely by chance and was hooked.
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 10   Pete Atkin / Music / Re: Midnight Voices - The Album...  17.11.24 at 17:57 
Started by Alastair Bickley | Newest post by S J Birkill
What a brilliant essay, well worth waiting for! If only I could write like that, about lyric /or/ music, never mind demonstrate such an appreciation of the arrangement and production process.
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