Title: Thanks for the reccie, Pete Post by Dave Jones on Today at 00:39 Pete recommended the DVD of "Richard Thompson Live in Providence", so may I also draw your attentions to the upcoming "Live in Austin Texas" DVD, which is actually from his set for the Public Broadcasting performance show "Austin City Limits", which normally tends to the C&W end of things, but does branch out from time to time (e.g. Stevie Ray Vaughn, twice). This imminent release is most joyous, as the broadcast version was cut to 30 minutes so they could cram some C&W singerine into the second half. Nonetheless RT was in top form, as those who've seen the sample extras on the Providence DVD will know. I did attend a gig on the same tour as the Providence DVD, so I'm glad to be able to hear the words now! Sound quality at the local gig was not the best, and it was bloody hot to boot. My other half couldn't leave soon enough, and I'm sure it wasn't the music.... Danny is on the Texas DVD, looking somewhat larger than I remember from John Martyn gigs.... Dave Jones Shooting out the lights in Rochester NY |
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