Title: Your PoD tickets - apologies for the delay Post by Richard Bleksley on Today at 23:03 To all of you who have sent Booking Supremo Leslie Moss your confirmations and cheques, and have been waiting with bated breath for your tickets to arrive, I owe an apology. Leslie is still very much on the ball, but events have intervened to cause delays in the production of some of the items for the ticket packs. These problems are being sorted out and the first packs should be dispatched by next week. Your tickets WILL arrive soon. Promise. |
Title: Re: Your PoD tickets - apologies for the delay Post by El Greko on 05.10.04 at 11:17 Pant...pant...pant... :P |
Title: Re: Your PoD tickets - apologies for the delay Post by JtJ on 05.10.04 at 21:42 Trouser....Trouser....Trouser....Trouser.... [Sorry about that!] :-X |
Title: Re: Your PoD tickets - apologies for the delay Post by Carole on 16.10.04 at 10:22 Hi Richard, and everyone else working hard behind the scenes -- any chance of an update, just a brief message to let us know how things are progressing? A little troop-rallying might not go amiss :) although I quite understand the last minute pressures of tying everything together. Carole |
Title: Re: Your PoD tickets - apologies for the delay Post by Gerry Smith on 16.10.04 at 13:47 Sorry, I must have missed the starting gun - how much do I owe to whom for the PoD? Regards Gerry Smith |
Title: Re: Your PoD tickets - apologies for the delay Post by S J Birkill on 16.10.04 at 14:01 on 10/16/04 at 13:47:57, Gerry Smith wrote :
This thread: "The Lowdown on PoD, Part 2 - The Revels" (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=ods;action=display;num=1094166217) appears to contain the current instructions for booking. |
Title: PoD Tickets have been despatched! Post by Leslie Moss on 17.10.04 at 00:30 Message from the Booking Czar. The first load of tickets have finally been despatched tonight. They will therefore be arriving on Tuesday or Wednesday. Other tickets are still in production by our esteemed host and as soon as I have these I will send them out. In your packs you will find: tickets, badges and a leaflet containing some extra info such as a map. It has proved impossible to prepare programmes sufficiently in advance so these will be available on the door. Can I take this opportunity to urge anyone who sent a deposit to submit their booking form and cheque to me as soon as humanly possible. If you are not now planning to come, can you email to that that effect instead. We have had numerous requests for extra tickets, or later bookings, and it's difficult to control numbers. And finally, if there is anyone who is now thinking of coming but hadn't previously registered an interest, email me at lnmoss@email.com and I'll send you a booking form. (I check this address more frequently than I access the forum - like four times a day or more). Look forward to seeing you all at PoD. Leslie on 10/16/04 at 10:22:43, Carole wrote :
Title: Re: Your PoD tickets - apologies for the delay Post by Gerry Smith on 17.10.04 at 01:04 I've cancelled my booking at the Travelodge, so there's now a £70 family room available. Also, recent developments in the real ale stakes dictate that I shall not participate, in case anyone needs to know. Gerry |
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