Title: Volunteer performers at PoD Post by Richard Bleksley on Today at 23:53 This is addressed to all of you who've volunteered (to Andy or me) to strut your stuff at PoD. I owe all of you an apology for not having responded earlier to your offers. It wasn't just bad manners (though I can't excuse myself entirely); it was partly that I didn't want to make any commitments until I had a fairly clear idea of what was going to happen. Also, I dug myself into a bit of a hole by rushing in where angels fear to tread very early in the planning stages and booking two support acts (both involving MVs) for the afternoon session. Having got carried away by my own enthusiasm, I then found myself short of time for fitting everything in. However, I now realise that people like you are an important part of the togetherness spirit of an XoD. By jiggling the day's schedule a bit I'm pretty sure now that I can find room for three floor spots (as they call them in folk clubs) of 15 minutes each. Obviously this means that not everyone who has asked is going to get to play - it would need a world more nearly perfect than this one for that - and I think the fairest thing to do is to give the first crack of the whip to those who have not performed at a previous XoD. Both the afore-mentioned booked acts fall into this category. The next criterion will probably be "first offered, first accepted"; It will NOT be a case of auditioning to find the best acts. This is supposed to be an "MV family" thing, not an elitist display of musical bravura. So can I ask you to keep your breaths bated just a little longer? Some of you ARE going to have a chance of performing, and I AM working on it. Really. This notice is also appearing on the mailing list. |
Title: Re: Volunteer performers at PoD Post by jeremy_pymer on 10.09.04 at 00:03 Hi, Richard Don't know how many spots you still have left at PoD, but an interesting activity would be a competition to find the best performer of the "Original Original Honky-Tonk Night Train Blues", judging on singing ability plus speed plus clarity of lyrics. Probably would take too much time but if people didn't mind taking the risk, the results could be interesting! Could be done a capella or with a very able band - probably a capella, as the only person capable of reaching the right speed would be Pete himself and it would be infra dig to expect him to do this. Jeremy Pymer |
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