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Pete Atkin >> News >> Pete recovering well
(Message started by: S J Birkill on Today at 19:56)

Title: Pete recovering well
Post by S J Birkill on Today at 19:56
Pete was involved in an accident while out walking in Bristol last week and is making a good recovery in hospital. It is unclear when he will be back in action, but we will keep you informed.

I'm sure all members will join me in wishing him a full and speedy recovery. But for the time being, may I request all to refrain from IM-ing or emailing him with your good wishes -- a flood of messages could ensue, and knowing Pete he'd want to reply to all individually, which could be tiring for him.

Steve Birkill, Administrator

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Mike Walters on 19.01.16 at 11:56
Sorry to hear about this, Steve.  All the best to Pete for a speedy recovery - no response expected!

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by avner greenberg on 21.02.16 at 20:52
Very sorry to hear of Pete's accident and hope that he's back to his good old self by now.

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by balancedview on 27.02.16 at 15:27
So pleased to hear that Pete is continuing to recover. It's a great relief and our thoughts are with him & family

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Seán Kelly on 12.03.16 at 22:45
hope that recovery continues - as do all our good wishes I am sure!

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by ChrisH on 14.03.16 at 22:31
All best wishes to Pete for a quick and full recovery

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Gerry Smith on 16.03.16 at 09:15
I'm very sorry to hear this.Get well soon, Pete.

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Ian Chippett on 16.03.16 at 10:16
Any news, Steve?

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by S J Birkill on 16.03.16 at 16:58
Hi Ian, all

Had an email from Pete on Sunday. He' s at home now and his injuries are mending well -- the cast is off his left arm and he's playing guitar as part of his physiotherapy. He sounds in good spirits despite having spent time in ICU. But I'll let him fill you in on the details -- he expects to post to MV and the Newsletter in a day or two.


Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Kevin Cryan on 17.03.16 at 10:17
It is such a relief to hear that Pete is on his way to a full recovery. I now have two excuses for celebrating - news of Pete recovery and (of course) St Patrick's Day.

Kevin Cryan

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Pete Atkin on 20.03.16 at 20:25
Hey, kids, yes, it's me!  I am, I think, pretty much recognisably myself, even facially, despite the fact that my normal-looking right eye doesn't work any more. (It's an accursed nuisance, but I'm philosophical about it on the grounds that it's a price I pay for being alive, since the surgery of which it's the result was performed in order to reduce the catasttrophic pressure inside my head.)   Indeed, mostly I think I look as expected (my legs and right arm were not injured at all.)

The accident itself on January 7th - viz my being pontooned (police word) by a bus - remains quite a bit of a mystery even after a friendly, helpful session with the police last week.  There simply isn't enough information to be able to give a clear, simple, comprehensible account.  I have no memory whatever of the day itself or of most of the week following my hospital admission (thanks to induced coma), so that doesn't help.   So I am not driving myself crazy over it.

I have been extraordinarily lucky in several ways, not least in the way my brain seems to function pretty much exactly as before (itself something exceptional in the case of most people hit in the face by a bus, according to the police investigator ).   My left wrist was broken which is slowing down my playing - guitar playing in particular - but I'm working on it.

The longest-lasting effects (apart from the physical recoveries) are the result of the fact that it counts as a brain injury, but none of those are deleterious (more good luck).

I'm planning a newsletter in the next few days in which, if I have the energy, I'll maybe include a bit more detail - too much, probably.

Meanwhile, it's simply a huge thank to all of you for all of your concerns.  I shall attempt to deserve them.

As always

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Revelator on 21.03.16 at 04:21
You more than deserve them--no attempts necessary! I think I can speak for most of the board and say how relieved we are to hear that you'll be able to resume everyday life after this accident. We hope you will make the best and fullest recovery that's possible.

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Carole on 21.03.16 at 05:04
Hear! Hear!

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by JtJ on 21.03.16 at 08:58
Hi there!

So pleased to hear you're Ok-ish, Pete.  What an awful experience for you.  Glad you feel good enough to post here.  Please take care and get yourself well.  One million good wishes to you from me.

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Sylfest on 21.03.16 at 10:44
Shocked to hear about the accident. Relieved to hear you're on the mend.
All best wishes!

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Paul_Bolland on 21.03.16 at 12:16
Pete- sorry to hear about the accident, but very glad to hear things are improving for you.
Long may this continue to be the case.
All the jolly best to you

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Gerry Smith on 21.03.16 at 13:45
What a truly dreadful experience. I'm glad to hearing you're recovering well. Anything to get out of doing a gig, eh!

Your philosophical stance on the incident rang bells with me; many years ago on the way home from work I was mown down on a crossing by a car accelerating between 30 and 40 mph and thrown 64 feet up the road. I never felt angry about it despite the repercussions. Just grateful to still be here, let alone in one piece and functioning within as normal as parameters ever get for me.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and looking forward to your next gig when circumstances permit.


Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by avner greenberg on 21.03.16 at 13:52
What an awful experience Pete! Thank you for your report. So glad to see that you're in good spirits and getting yourself back into shape. We need you that way!
Warmest wishes,

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by slaybrook on 21.03.16 at 14:04
Very best wishes and thoughts to Pete from the land of the Château of Dreams... Oliver and Géraldine

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Alan Manton on 21.03.16 at 16:23
To say that I was stunned to hear about this today is a bit of an understatement.  I hope that I will not be the last to wish you fullest recovery possible.

We've all made jokes at some time about being hit by the proverbial bus but surly it will never happen to anyone I know?  And now it has!

Get well soon Pete.

All my very best wishes

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by hannibalmcnee on 21.03.16 at 21:01
Absolutely shocking news and I don't like it one bit (except for the part about Pete being on the mend).

Obviously my best wishes go out to you, Pete. I hope you feel better and we hear from you soon.

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Cary on 21.03.16 at 22:42
That was all a little worrying for a while Pete so glad the news is now good. I wonder if the bus driver went home and said he'd run into a celebrity that day?

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Ian Chippett on 22.03.16 at 20:40
I think Pete is keeping something from us. Any Bristolian knows you hardly ever see a bus in Bristol. .. Get well soon and fast.

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Mike Walters on 23.03.16 at 16:54
Just to echo others' sentiments and good wishes.  The accident sounds awful but delighted and relieved that Pete is continuing to make a good recovery.  

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Seán Kelly on 24.03.16 at 09:48
Like everyone, no doubt, I had hoped the injury was much more minor than this - so it is shocking to hear how life-threatening it actually was.  It is very cheering to read your own words on here and to hear that you are getting better. Sending huge good wishes to you Pete and to your family who have surely been through the mill with you.

Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Leslie Moss on 31.03.16 at 09:01
I was shocked to learn of Pete's accident, and especially the extent of his initial injuries. It is good to learn that for the most part, things are on the mend, but it was clearly a close-run thing and my heart goes out to Mary for whom that first day especially must have been an absolute nightmare.

I blame my long absence from the site for my delayed knowledge of what happened. Pete, your newsletter message sounded upbeat, for which we must all be grateful, but I can only imagine the weeks of discomfort and pain that have got you to where you are now.

I'm sure I speak for everyone in wishing you a speedy recovery and hope that you can put the trauma behind you and continue to inspire us with your prodigious musical talent.


Title: Re: Pete recovering well
Post by Douglas Fergus on 02.04.16 at 11:42
Just heard about this in your newsletter Pete.
Absolutely shocking news.
You sound pretty philosophical and upbeat about the situation. I suppose it could have been so much worse........or worst!
Anyway, very best wishes for a continued recovery. Hope your instrument playing continues to improve.


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