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Pete Atkin >> News >> Midnight Voices CD order lines open
(Message started by: S J Birkill on Today at 15:44)

Title: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by S J Birkill on Today at 15:44
The new Midnight Voices CD goes on official unofficial prerelease release today!


Hillside Music has already cleared its priority loading bay for the first containerload of product, arriving next Monday, the 8th. The inventory-management and order-processing mainframe has been brought up to full speed, the qubit cryogenics pressurised and the punched cards containing the ordering data for the new product will be fed in in a matter of minutes after this message is posted.

This means that visitors to the Hillside Music Shop (http://www.peteatkin.com/hillshop.htm) will be able to place orders immediately for the new CD, for despatch on Monday or Tuesday next.

The CD contains newly-recorded versions of 15 classic Atkin/James songs, featuring Pete with an augmented line-up of the band which accompanied him at the Bristol St George's concert in June (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=App;action=display;num=1182606003;start=0#0). You can find some pre-prerelease reviews here (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=Music;action=display;num=1182638114). Pete has specified a card-faced Digipak rather than the plastics jewel case used for previous releases. The price is £12 per copy, plus postage.

To celebrate the new prerelease, prices have been slashed on two other titles: the The Lakeside Sessions double CD of 'almost-lost' Atkin songs and Winter Spring, the album of new new-millennium material, can now be had for a mere £10 each, down from £12. If you don't already own these, now would be an opportunity to add them to your order.

Please note that the official release date for Midnight Voices will be early in the New Year, probably in February, by which time Britain will have been bombarded with advertising for the product via the press, media and poster campaigns, and Pete's face and voice will be familiar to all within reach of tube, panel or loudspeaker. Possibly. Until then the privilege of hearing these recordings will be enjoyed only by that enlightened few shopping at Hillside, via the Website or at the merchandise table when Pete next plays a gig in your town!


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Ian Chippett on Today at 18:56
My order will be on the way in due course but I'd like to know whether the photo on the cover is of Clifton Suspension Bridge or one of the Severn Bridges. Or maybe another bridge altogether. I don't suppose Pete can help as very few of his songs contain bridges...

Ian C

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by S J Birkill on Today at 19:19
Can't you tell by the fog? It's that famous Golden Gate between us and... Somerset!


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Seán Kelly on 05.10.07 at 23:00
Unfortunate time for a postal strike isn't it?!

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Gerry Smith on 06.10.07 at 17:03
Yes, very bad timing for a postal strike. Having said that, I was somewhat surprised to receive a delivery this morning. Perhaps my postman had taken heed of the advice contained on the bottom right of the packet which he delivered: Alas no Midnight Voices CD though.



Title: Unsudden Arrivals
Post by Pete Atkin on 08.10.07 at 13:22
Well, the fix is in.  The emptily waiting Hillside shelves are now flexing gently under the weight of the Midnight Voices CD in expectation of early relief, some of them at least, once the postal strike allows.  The Fulfilment and Dispatch team will have prepared all ordered CDs for, um, fulfilment and dispatch as soon as the postal system is capable of accepting a bulk mail-out of such exceptional proportions.  Obviously, it's harder than it would normally be to predict exactly when you can expect to receive your copies, but please be assured that their individual trajectories will be initiated as soon as practicable.   Fingers crossed.


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Pete Atkin on 09.10.07 at 18:55
Hillside Music's local postmistress has naturally been overexcited for some time now about the prospect of helping to send such joy and delight to so many, but I am told she is regretfully advising the Hillside Team not to enter those precious packages into the postal system before this Thursday11th October;  so that is when the orders so far received will be dispatched.  Fingers crossed, some of you may get your copies by the weekend, but with further industrial inaction planned next week, the guys ask that you remain as patient as possible.


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Tiny_Montgomery on 11.10.07 at 20:58
My copy was apparently dispatched on Wednesday, but with the current postal malarkey, who's to say when Pete's latest musical missive will arrive. Hopefully BEFORE Christmas. But absence... etc etc. Maybe we should launch a jocular league table of arrivals for the Midnight Voices CD for all those who put their money down as soon as the Hillside orders line opened?

Best wishes.

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by naomi on 13.10.07 at 03:31
I trust that there will be goodly supplies of the CD available at the Newbury gig next Friday? If so, see you in the queue for the merchandise table, chaps !


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Pete Atkin on 13.10.07 at 07:46
Oh, I think so, Naomi!  

I received something in the post yesterday that had been posted on Wednesday, so I hope that copies of the CD may start to reach their destinations today.  Let us know!


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by andyw on 13.10.07 at 16:12
Great excitement when a real postman (van, uniform and everything) rang my door-bell this morning with a package to be signed for .................

Alas no Hillside label, only my son's Madden 08 PS3 game from those Play.com people.  Incidentally, any other Atkin / American Football fans going to the game at Wembley on Sunday 28th?  I'll wear my MV badge!

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Simon Reap on 16.10.07 at 15:11
Has no-one received the long-awaited delivery yet?  I was expecting a flood of messages when this happened, but so far, nada.  I leave for work just before our friendly postie arrives, so I have several  hours to wait before the disappointment or joy.


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Tiny_Montgomery on 16.10.07 at 19:48
In the immortal words of the bard, Diana Ross: "I'm still waiting." I suspect we're all suffering from the postal backlog blues.


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Pete Atkin on 16.10.07 at 20:37
Sorry it's all taking so long.  But the Hillside Response and Tracking Team tell me that there is news tonight of the confirmed arrival today in St Alban's of one copy of the new CD which was shipped from Hillside HQ last Thursday.  So if you have loins, prepare to gird them now. Metaphorically, of course.  Similarly if you have lions, of course.


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Simon Reap on 17.10.07 at 09:31
So today is the day to use up some of the goodwill I've earned at work and leave early!


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Mike Walters on 17.10.07 at 10:22
Might be worth storing up your goodwill for another day, Simon.  My post's just been and still no sign of the longed-for package, which was dispatched last Wednesday according to the message received from the mighty Hillside mainframe.  The tension is unbearable...


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Tiny_Montgomery on 17.10.07 at 16:58
Cold comfort department: I was talking to an official of the Communication Workers' Union today and he said the backlog of mail nationally is "terrible," suggesting it could take weeks for it to be cleared. He added that mail in the London and Liverpool postal areas will be worst affected, because of unofficial action. Oh well...

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by naomi on 17.10.07 at 17:16
The Schadenfreude among those of us able to purchase our copies of the CD at the Newbury gig on Friday will be ghastly to behold !! :)

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by hannibalmcnee on 17.10.07 at 22:41
Bah! I can't take much more of this. Confound the Post Office! Confound their wretched hides.

This is agonizing. Agonizing agony of almost song-worthy proportions:

SINGS (longlingly):
I sit and I wait for Pete's new CD,
But the Post Office has gone on strike,
Is it wrong that I should hope
They never get their big pay hike?

Continue to chorus...

I might be accused of mirepresenting the demands of the worker's union, but it's difficult to ryhmne and stay politically accurate.

Also, WHERE'S MY BLASTED CD, you scumbags? Stop wingeing and get back to work. You earn more money than I do! You'd never catch Postman Pat behaving like this...

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Alan Manton on 17.10.07 at 23:45
It's here!

Surely I am not worthy to be the first!  Yes - our much maligned postal service has seen fit to grace my door mat with a pristine copy of the most sought after silver platter this side of Bristol.

So what do I think of after one 'in the background' listen?  It ranges from sublime to 'interesting'.  The Master of The Revels is very 'interesting' indeed.  Possibly the first ever PA track which I didn't find some sort of affinity with straight away.  I owe it a much more concerted listen...

trying not to appear to smug in deepest Dorset

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Theo Clarke on 18.10.07 at 13:44
Ooooo... I have a CD... it is out of its packaging and the blurb is read (that Pete Atkin really is a very nice fellow—such modest warmth) but I dare not start to listen because I expect a visitor at any moment.

I was touched to notice that in the vast corporation that is Hillside Music one of the minions in the despatch department so admires our hero that (s)he has imitated his handwriting while addressing the package.  Of course this could be cynical attention to detail: reinforcing the Atkin brand with a common look and feel that extends even to the mailing labels. I prefer to imagine the star-struck despatch operative.

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Mike Walters on 19.10.07 at 09:17
Mine finally arrived this morning - phew...  Just about to sit and listen to it as I sit here pretending to work (I work for myself, I should add, so I may need to subject myself to disciplinary procedures if I find out that I'm slacking).  Nicely packaged by the team at the Hillside Conglomerate plc, though sadly mine had only a printed label which reassuringly confirms that Theo's handwritten one was indeed the product of a star-struck operative rather than cynical brand manipulation on the part of the Atkin marketing machine...

Now for the music...


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by paul.leighton on 19.10.07 at 11:26
The Bristol Postie has scaled the foothills of Cotham from Hillside Music in Archfield Road  to deliver the new CD  to my office in Kingsdown....half a mile away! Come to think if it,  perhaps I should have asked PA whether I could have collected from the door!

Delighted to have the new versions -  some similar, some different, but all living up to
my expectations following the memorable concert at St George's.  Grateful thanks Pete to you and your colleagues for re-visiting old friends and transforming them into new ones!


Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Simon Reap on 19.10.07 at 11:56
Now I'm really jealous!  No package this morning, and we're off to South Wales for a half term today , so a) I miss Newbury, and b) I have to wait a whole week for my PA fix!

Oh, well, I'll just have to keep telling myself that it's the antici.........pation that's best part.

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by andyw on 19.10.07 at 18:31
Yes, it's here.  A Hillside package has winged its way and found its mark on a Pennine Lancashire hillside.  So no time to talk to you, off to listen to it.

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by BogusTrumper on 25.10.07 at 04:37
OK, so I am a tad tardy, but I ordered it today.  Lets see how long it takes to cross the water.

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by BogusTrumper on 25.10.07 at 16:34

Got two emails:

From: Pete Atkin [pete@*********.com]

Thank you for your order.
Your payment has been processed.

We have sent the following to you today by first class post:

1 copy of Midnight Voices (1 CD)

From: Hillside Music [hillsidemusic@**********.co.uk]

Your payment has been processed.

We have sent the following to you today by air mail small packet:

1 copy of Midnight Voices (1 CD)

We shall see what we shall see.  I may have one for work and one for home  :D

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Ian Ashleigh on 25.10.07 at 15:15
I have my copy, its great - I did wonder if Clive was going to add vocals to Laughing Boy - I must be listening to my copy of the Live in Australia CDs too often!!  I still laugh along with Billy Carts and Dunny Man.  

I am enjoying getting to know the new versions of the songs and can't wait to see Pete in action again and hear some more new material.

I live in Sussex, it would be great to see Pete at The Ravenwood again.

All the best to Pete, Clive and all fellow MVs

Ian (in East Grinstead)

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Pete Atkin on 26.10.07 at 10:18
Sorry, Bogus.  I think we all know what that's called.

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by BogusTrumper on 26.10.07 at 19:04

on 10/26/07 at 10:18:46, Pete Atkin wrote :
Sorry, Bogus.  I think we all know what that's called.
Well, with current sinking of the dollar, we call it blooming expensive!  :D

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by BogusTrumper on 30.10.07 at 16:28
It is now on my computer at work!!

Title: Re: Midnight Voices CD order lines open
Post by Ian Ashleigh on 25.11.07 at 22:05
Just thought you'd like to know that the CD Autochanger is prepared for the trip to Harrogate tomorrow:  

Midnight Voices,
Beware of the Beautiful Stranger,
Live in Australia CD 1 for the way up and CD2 for the way home
Road of Silk

A bit of a Pete Fest to follow the overdose of Bob Dylan for my Birmingham trip!!

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