Title: Old Forum Post by S J Birkill on Today at 16:21 Between now and the closure of MV's e-mail version on September 5th, I shall use this thread to post selected messages from the old e-mail forum to what may prove to be an expanded membership here. I shall of course delete e-mail addresses in the original posts. Please don't attempt to post replies in this thread. S J Birkill, Administrator |
Title: MV10901: Big change coming to MV Post by S J Birkill on Today at 16:25 Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 14:34:32 +0100 From: S J Birkill Subject: Big change coming to MV Dear All It's time for a shake-up. Please read on: this will affect YOU! Love it or loathe it, we've been operating MV as an e-mail forum for close on seven years now. To avoid the horrors of automated e-mail systems I've always operated MV manually, forwarding your messages to the membership 365 days a year, except when temporarily out of range, as during a long-haul flight. In case you think I'm exaggerating, the 'horrors' in question are real enough: three days ago, in one system I subscribe to, a member inadvertently set up an autoresponder which generated an untrapped loop; each subscriber has been receiving "Leon Silverman is out of the office" messages three times per minute since then. Each time around the loop the message has grown, quoting itself and quoting the quotes. Soon it began to truncate, leaving only the board's 'unsubscribe' line repeated a few hundred times. Not that anyone could get into the system to unsubscribe anyway! So, we've not had that kind of nonsense. Nor have we had mails with spam, viruses or images, inappropriate or otherwise, though of course such things have come in to MV on several occasions -- I've just filtered them out of what's been circulated. I think it's worked well, and we've certainly achieved a lot. However I think all must agree that over the last couple of years things have turned a little stale: runs of silent days alternate with floods of trivia or backbiting, with little new debate about our principal topic. There hasn't even been very much excitement over announcements of new recordings, tours or the forthcoming ToD convention (now scaled down to PoD, I guess). And yet we have a loyal membership of over 500, most of whom I believe do read the bulk of what goes through. I've decided, unilaterally but with Pete's approval, to switch to a Web-based forum. MV will run as a public bulletin board, with the same topics, aims and objectives as before, but it will be readable across the public internet. The system I'm using may be familiar to some: it's called YaBB, 'Yet another Bulletin Board'. It operates almost identically to commercial boards, but being an open-source project it's free, and fully customizable: I've been able to draw on modifications from the vast community of users to tailor its operation and presentation to suit MV. This will not suit everyone: in the heyday of MV I was urged by one or two members to switch to such a system, but I didn't believe the time was right; we'd built up MV by e-mail since 1997, and the vast majority liked it that way. Some had only limited Web access, whilst they could collect e-mail readily either at work or at home. Most were on dial-up connections, at typical data rates of 40kbits/s: reloading large Web pages to read was frustratingly slow and composing a message or reply while on line expensive and dangerous -- a dropped connection could result in a lost masterpiece. But things have moved on. Most of our regular contributors have always-on broadband connections, and a Web board has become a far more attractive proposition. Indeed, many internet users only feel totally at home on the Web, and prefer its dynamics: to compose a message in the knowledge it will appear in the in-boxes of 500 strangers takes a certain kind of nerve; to add a quick comment to a Web page is somehow less personal, while also favouring the spontaneous, informal reply. But do we want all and sundry to read our messages? I think that, with a few safeguards, the answer must be yes -- one of MV's missions is to further the public recognition and commercial success of Pete's work: fame and fortune! As currently configured, the forum is readable by all but allows only members to post, though achieving membership needs only a valid e-mail address; I haven't implemented e-mail domain filtering at this stage, which could exclude throwaway addresses (hotmail, yahoo and such). Members are allowed to adopt a pseudonym, and are advised to accept the option of hiding their e-mail addresses from display. The forum is divided into 'boards', each with its own moderator. Each moderator has the power to delete or modify posts made to his or her board, or politely to suggest a message be better posted elsewhere. In this way he (or she) has immediate control over misbehaviour, or undesirable elements infiltrating MV. Of course, such actions will not be taken lightly, as when the moderator merely disagrees with the views expressed in the post. In the event of more serious infringements, he can refer the matter to the MV administrator (that's where I come in) who has the power to move messages between boards, ban members from posting, exclude IP addresses (to prevent violators signing up again under a new name) and so on. Together with a small number of active MV members, I have been testing the new system for the past 2 weeks. I have proposed the names of current members who might like to moderate some of the forums, and have had replies from some, so I have a fairly good idea of just who will be taking on which one. I will notify those involved in the next few days and activate their moderator status; until then I'm hanging on to that privilege myself. However I'd like at this stage to invite you all to log in to the new MV at http://www.peteatkin.com/forum You can view the messages posted so far just by clicking on the board or thread titles -- even if you're unfamiliar with this style of forum you'll soon learn your way around. In order to post a message you must 'Login', and before doing that you must 'Register'. You need to accept a boilerplate agreement (which in due course I will tweak to make it more appropriate) and provide a 'Username' and a working e-mail address. You will then receive your password by automated e-mail -- it will appear to come from me as administrator but will in fact be direct from MV. You may then use that username and password combination to 'Login', at which point you might like to click 'Profile', change your password to something you can remember and enter the name you wish to by known by in MV, which can be different from your 'Username', or indeed your real name. Note that this login is individual to you: it is quite distinct from the current members' area login on the Website. I'd like to know your opinions, if any, of the new MV. However, I'd prefer your comments to be presented via the new forum rather than the e-mail one, but definitely not by private mail to me: I have nowhere near enough time available to discuss the change individually with >500 of you, or even acknowledge your messages. So, even though you hate it and it'll be the only time you ever use it, if you wish to say so please post a message to that effect. I have opened three new threads, 'Love it!', 'Hate it!' and 'Accept it' for any comments you may wish to make. I'm sure a great many will not wish to change, but please give it a chance. Feel free to start a new thread under any of the board headings you may think appropriate. Yes, you do need to look around to see what to read -- which categories and replies are likely to interest you, and what's new since last time you visited -- but I've tried to configure things to aid this process: when you log in you'll see highlights against boards with new posts, and against threads in each board, and at the foot of the main page there's a list of the ten most recent posts, expandable to show up to 500, with all titles linked directly to the actual post. I expect it will take another week or so for everything to settle down, especially as some proposed moderators will have been on holiday, so the forum will not be fully live (there's no mention of it yet on the Website) for a few days. E-mail MV will continue for a transitional period, but I intend to close it down fully at the end of MV's seventh birthday week, on September 5th. Inevitably we'll lose a large number of members in the transition: there must be those who are content to receive daily or weekly e-mails, but won't bother to sign up or remember to connect to the Web forum on a regular basis. I think we must just accept this, in the belief that those who participate by posting messages, attending events or buying the CDs will make the effort to move with us. I'll update you all further as we move the new MV from 'test' to 'live' status, and when we're about to close down the e-mail version. Best Wishes to all Stephen J Birkill Administrator, 'Midnight Voices' Webmaster, 'Smash Flops' http://www.peteatkin.com/forum |
Title: MV10902: Administrator's Report Post by S J Birkill on Today at 16:31 Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 15:57:59 +0100 From: S J Birkill Subject: Administrator's Report Following on from my announcement of the new forum (MV10901), here's the current status of the old, with five weeks to go: Current total -- 536 Daily list -- 238 Weekly digest -- 298 Ex-Voices -- 382 All-time total -- 918 The latest additions to the membership list, since my last report (MV10358, January 25th) are as follows: Dr S Wright day (changed to week) Ray Rochester day Barry Rochester day (since resigned) Michael Hallowell week Vic Ockmore week Tony Ryan day Simon Billson day (lapsed mbx) Simon Hales day John Hoffman day John Baxter week Ken Prenty week Siobhan Nelson day (since resigned) Chris Lilly day David Morgan week Leighton Calvert week Paul Callaghan week Robert Schofield week Alastair McCraw week (returning) Kevin Griffiths day Liz Watkins day (since resigned) Steve Bennett day (returning) Andrew Long week (returning) Mandy Brake week (returning) Tim Glover day Delia Walters week (bad address) Chris Tothill week Joe Stevens day Jim Seth week - welcome to all. The full e-mail membership list (addresses suppressed of course) is at http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/register.htm The new BBS membership list is at http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?action=mlall As always, all requests please to me at <e-mail address>, not to MV. The current MV 'user guide' may be accessed in the members-only area of the Website, at http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/mv7500.txt At last the barrage of Netsky P virus mails seems to have ceased. The three members hosting this worm have either cleaned up their acts or gone on holiday! The new forum seems to be attracting a fair bit of interest in the 90 minutes or so since I announced it. Shortly, no doubt, the weekly digest group will swell the numbers further. - Steve Birkill http://www.peteatkin.com/forum |
Title: MV10913: Try the Forum as a Guest Post by S J Birkill on 08.08.04 at 14:44 Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 14:27:47 +0100 From: S J Birkill Subject: MV10913: Try the Forum as a Guest [Re: MV10901: Big change coming to MV] Dear Voices Right, one week on from the private launch of the new MV forum, four weeks to the closure of the old, and where do we stand? In case you've not been paying attention, here's the poop: MV is changing from a mailing list to a Web-based system, the type of thing variously known as an online message board, bulletin board, Web forum and no doubt more. The change is not something to dread: most users are familiar with the Web and will actually find the new set-up easier to handle. This isn't something trendy and 'yoof'-oriented, it's not a 'chat room', you'll not be watched and you don't need to install anything new on your computer! It's just a different way to post and read your MV messages, available any time at all from any computer connected to the Internet, anywhere. You don't even need to commit, or reveal you've ever visited: casual browsers have 'Guest' status, allowing them to read messages. Only if you wish to post a message or use MV's advanced features do you need to log in to the system. So far, 90 members have registered for full member privileges; perhaps many more have visited as guests. If you haven't so far, take a peek at the new MV: http://www.peteatkin.com/forum 'Forum', like 'Board' is a word that can confuse, as variously it's been used to describe the whole thing, a subject section within the 'whole thing', and a subsection of that devoted to a particular range of topics. I shall use a slightly non-standard nomenclature, so please bear with me: I shall call the entire system the 'MV Forum'. It's divided into three sections, headed "Pete Atkin", "Not Pete Atkin", and "Admin". Under each of these is a set of 'Boards' devoted to specific subjects: "Music", "Words", "Gigs" and so on. You will see this level of organisation on the main "MV Home" page, and you'll note also that each board has its own Moderator, responsible for keeping things clean and tidy. Also on this page is the "Information Summary" which carries a list of the latest 10 messages posted in all boards, with direct links to each message, and the capability of expanding the list to show up to 500 messages. Also useful forum statistics, plus a note of how many users are currently connected, including names of those logged in. At the bottom of this section is the "Login" area, which disappears once you've, er, logged in. To get to the next level of organisation you simply select a Board heading that interests you, say "*oDs" for information on our November gathering. You're then presented with a new screen which lists, at present, four topics or "Threads" -- more will come along. Against each thread title is the name of its originator, numbers of views and replies for that thread, and posting time and name of the latest member to post to the thread. The threads are arranged always to place the most recently created or updated at the top of the list. To read the messages in a Thread, simply click its title. For instance, under "What shall we ask Pete to do at PoD" you'll see all the posts made on this topic, in chronological order. In a popular thread the list may run to several pages, but there are links to aid navigation, including "Top of Page" and "Jump to Latest Post". This threading structure replaces the long serial number references of the 'old' MV, enabling you easily to read right through all messages on a topic. You can use your browser's 'back' button (repeatedly if necessary), or the menu bar at top and bottom of every screen in the Forum, to return to the MV Home page. That's, as far as guests see it. However if you wish to 'Register' as a Member, there's much more. See my next mail for some notes on this. Try the forum as a Guest: http://www.peteatkin.com/forum All the Best Steve Birkill MV Administrator. |
Title: MV10914: Forum Membership advantages Post by S J Birkill on 08.08.04 at 14:47 Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 14:33:35 +0100 From: S J Birkill Subject: MV10914: Forum Membership advantages [Re: MV10901: Big change coming to MV] Dear Voices In case Web access is difficult for you -- perhaps you have limited access to a computer, or you download your e-mail by cellphone, PDA or cable TV, or your employer doesn't like you 'surfing' -- the aforementioned advanced features allow you to retain a degree of e-mail capability. Of course, you'll need to access the Forum initially to set them up! Following on from my last message, here's how to become a Member: http://www.peteatkin.com/forum Click the "Register" button on the menu bar, and you'll be asked for a 'username' and an 'Email address'. The user name can be pretty well anything you like, but the e-mail address must be real, as your log-in details will be automatically mailed to you. You should give your main e-mail address, not a disposable one, as it will be used for any notifications you request. It will NOT be used for spam, and will not be viewable by anyone except myself and my trusty moderators, unless you opt to make it public on the Forum. You must also agree to a basic set of rules -- I shall edit these in due course, but for now it's just the usual 'be good, stay cool' stuff. Now collect your e-mail as normal, and you should find a message welcoming you to MV and giving your 'login' information. Use the "Login" menu button or complete the "username" and "password" boxes at the bottom of the MV Home page, and you're in. [You'll realise this log-in is totally unrelated to that used for the MV "Members' Area" -- your username and password are individual to you.] Now you'll see that each page has subtly changed: the "MV" against each Board will be in red; this will change back to blue once you've visited that board and returned to refresh the main page. Inside the board, there will be a "new" flash against every thread with a new post since you last visited. There's also a "Start new thread" link. On opening a thread, you'll find you now have the option to "Reply", which can also be called using the "Quote" button in each message: either way you'll find a text box to enter your reply; in the latter case the previous message will be quoted in your reply. You may edit the quoted section to include just as little of the original message as you wish, and you have the option to Preview your post before sending it with the Post button. The menu bar has also changed: "Profile" lets you amend your personal details on MV; in particular you can change your displayed name to be different from your 'username', and your password to something you can remember. "Members" displays a membership list. "Notification" allows you to request an e-mail whenever a new reply is made to a selected thread; you'll find "Notify of replies" inside each thread, too. I have set up a special "Announcements" thread here http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi? (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=news;action=display;num=1091444599) board=news;action=display;num=1091444599 (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=news;action=display;num=1091444599) where I shall post important announcements: if you select Notification on this thread, you'll receive news of forthcoming gigs, broadcasts and CD releases by e-mail. There's also an "Urgent Things" thread where anyone can alert members of imminent media appearances -- this might also be a candidate for your Notifications list. At the top of the page you'll see that the "Welcome Guest" line has changed to a personal greeting, and states the number of messages you have. These are 'MV Instant Messages', which are private communications from one member to another. You can send an IM by clicking the "Instant Message" link in the left pane of any post, or by clicking a member's name to reach his or her Profile page and selecting "Send this member a private message". You may not ever want to use the IM facility, but note that there is an IM "Preferences" page which allows you to select e-mail notification of IM's -- in fact if you select this option the entire message will be sent to your e-mail address. Just click the "n messages" link in the "Hello" line at the very top of the screen (you need to be logged in to see this) and you'll be able to navigate messages sent and received (if any) and amend your preferences. That's a quick summary of what you get as an MV Forum member. If you're a committed lurker and you want none of it, that's OK -- just don't register. But after closure of the e-mail MV on September 5th you'll no longer be prompted to visit the Website for updates, so it'll be up to you to remember. All the Best Steve Birkill MV Administrator. |
Title: MV10915: MV Forum -- going live! Post by S J Birkill on 08.08.04 at 14:47 Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 14:36:33 +0100 From: S J Birkill Subject: MV10915: MV Forum -- going live! [Re: MV10901: Big change coming to MV] Dear All Well, of course, we're live already -- the system is on line and all current members have been invited to visit and register: http://www.peteatkin.com/forum Next move is we go public. This will happen in the next few days. Just like crossing the event horizon, you'll not immediately notice any difference, but from then on there'll be no turning back. The MV Forum will have a link from the Smash Flops home page, and from anywhere else on the Internet anyone cares to mention it. Indeed you're encouraged to tell your friends, blazon it across your own Websites, publish it in the press and on your radio shows. We'll be listed on Google, too. The effect will be that we'll start, very slowly at first I expect, to accumulate new members who elected not to sign up to the e-mail MV. The vast majority of these will be welcome additions to the clan, and their posts will invigorate the forum. But we may get the odd undesirable element, posting spam, or material unrelated to or unsuitable for MV. This is where the moderators kick in, deleting messages that don't belong in their boards. The ultimate sanction is to expell and/or ban a member from posting, and we have the power to ban by IP address, so troublemakers cannot easily sign up again under a new name. So the MV Forum will be just as safe a place as the old e-mail MV, but not so private: your messages will be visible to anyone, so it's wise to withhold e-mail addresses and such, though we are encouraging members to use their real names -- it gives a continuity to MV, which a whole pile of unrecognisable nicknames wouldn't. The paranoid, however, have this option to conceal their true identity. From this point on, may I ask members if possible to direct their posts to the new forum; to give time for everyone to make the transition I shall keep the existing e-mail service going for another four weeks from today. Within this period there's nothing to prevent anyone from posting to both systems if desired. All the Best Steve Birkill MV Administrator. |
Title: MV7500: The old MV 'User Guide' Post by S J Birkill on 12.08.04 at 00:24 ...just for those who never got around to reading the 'rules' when we were an e-mail forum. ;D You may notice it'd been long overdue for an update! ============================================================================ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 09:00:00 +0000 To: Midnight Voices <email address hidden> From: S J Birkill <email address hidden> Subject: MV7500: Revised Welcome Message 16.01.02 Dear Midnight Voices member, Welcome to the Pete Atkin e-mail discussion group. This message goes out to every new subscriber, and on each revision to all existing members too. The last revision was MV5500, just over a year ago on January 25th 2001, with a further small update being circulated on October 20th. Many 'MV' members discard our posts after reading them, or even before. May I suggest you file this one in a safe place until the next update, or print it out for reference. Please read it, whether you're new or not -- it may answer the question you were about to ask me. And study the Website -- click on everything, there's much in there not immediately apparent. If you're stuck for an answer, post a message to the 'Voices' and you're almost guaranteed a friendly response, even if no-one can help! I intend eventually to reduce the size of this message by making it link to an on-line FAQ (frequently-asked questions) table. Sorry I'm not there yet. This message is approximately 21k in size. If you've not received all of it (as far as my phone numbers), please let me know at <email address hidden>. History, purpose: "Smash Flops", the Pete Atkin Website, opened in early 1996, and our e-mail forum Midnight Voices was created to keep people in communication following Pete's Monyash Festival appearance in summer 1997. Our present agenda is to support his continued 'revival' and provide a channel for the dissemination of news of gigs and record releases, as well as a place in 'cyberspace' for like-minded individuals to meet and share opinions. Together we have worked towards greater recognition for the songs of Pete Atkin and Clive James, an enhanced public profile through more and higher-status concert appearances, the re-issue of the entire Pete Atkin back catalogue and the recording of a new studio album. Remarkably, we have achieved these aims. The concert tour with Clive James begins in March, and while Pete's name remains respectably obscure outside enlightened circles, it's now no longer such a shock when a song of his is played on the radio or a review appears in the press. As I write this in January 2002 we have 435 current members, but please see any PS (below) for an update. MV is not a fan club as such -- it's a mailing list. Membership consists in belonging to either our daily or our weekly e-mail circulations. We haven't the resources to support any other form of membership, or to distribute any information by post, so please don't ask. Members' events, merchandise etc. are organised by the membership itself, not by any committee, individual or body, so don't look upon me as some kind of Master of the Revels. However I do take sole responsibility for the Website and the operation of MV itself. Topic: The group topic is defined (loosely) as "anything relating to Pete Atkin or his music, and his associates at Cambridge or since on TV, radio, record or on tour". This of course includes Clive James and Julie Covington and their own careers, the songs, musicians, lyrics, chords, influences, shows, gigs, records, tapes, books, films, radio/TV appearances, archives, the Website - - if you're reading this it's certain you share more than one interest with the group. Pete and Clive are themselves "Voices" -- Pete posts answers and commentary every couple of weeks or so; Clive rather less frequently. How we operate: The mechanics of our operation are different in detail from those automated listservers you may have encountered on the Internet. Here at MV, posts are re-mailed manually (I do it myself) and your e-mail address isn't published anywhere. You need not fear 'spam' or viruses -- they cannot be transmitted through MV. All your messages for the group should be in e-mail plain ASCII text (message body) form (like this one) and addressed to: Midnight Voices <email address hidden> I will add a header with an MV number and re-mail the message, normally the same day, to the entire 'daily' circulation list. So, your words are broad- cast to the rest of the membership, not quite instantly but normally within a matter of hours, via e-mail. Members choosing the 'weekly' option receive each weekend a 'digest', concatenating all the previous week's traffic into one long message. On average we circulate four or five messages per day. At particularly busy times this may increase five-fold; equally there are occasions when silence prevails for several days. Some members have resigned citing 'too much mail for me to read' -- this surprises me as our volume is about a tenth of what I see on some professional lists I belong to, and our mail-outs are without the clutter of quotation that clogs the automated lists. If you can't stand the pace of 'daily' mailings, try a switch to the 'weekly' list. To reply to an individual post, simply hit 'Reply' in your e-mail program - - this will open a new message from you to MV, quoting the original one. If you don't wish to include the quoted section, just delete it (recommended!) before hitting Send. Don't use 'Reply All', as that sends me an extra copy. If you need to make contact with the administration of Midnight Voices, for instance to change your daily/weekly status or delivery address, to resign, request a re-send, attach or propose anything off-line for inclusion on the Website, please don't hit 'Reply' (which sends your message to MV), instead contact me direct at: S J Birkill <email address hidden> If you do send such requests to the 'Midnight Voices' address I shall still read and act on them, but I'll assume you also wish them distributed to the whole list. Take care, else your only appearance on MV could be a misplaced request to unsubscribe! Message length and quotation: We naturally prefer concise messages (I don't consider this one excessively verbose, given its purpose, though you may disagree), but I don't impose an arbitrary limit on message length -- if it's interesting and on topic it'll be welcome. Please try to keep quotation of the message being replied to to a minimum -- you can refer to the previous message by an MV number, author, and perhaps quote pertinent parts, but you should never need to include the entire message text, and certainly not the header and sig. If I receive any with such excessive quotation I'll assume you have quoted inadvertently and I'll delete the quoted message. Some e-mail clients have defaults which cause them to ignore messages above a certain length. Our weekly digests at times extend to around 75k in size, so please adjust your software if necessary. Editorial intervention: Apart from the 'snipping' of long quotes I'll not alter your message in any way -- any typos, spelling errors or controversial opinions will go through as received. There is no MV regulating body to endorse or denounce members' opinions, but expect challenges from other members if you're too outspoken! On a couple of occasions members have asked me privately whether they ought to post a particular message, and another time or two I've held back a post while I discussed content with its writer, but that's only three or four in 7500! If I choose to add a comment or instant answer to a point raised in a post I use [square brackets]. If the message already uses those, I [double them]! Circulation of any message through MV does not imply an endorsement of its contents either by myself or by Pete Atkin. Denial of membership: I've occasionally received complaints about certain members and their posts to MV. Generally I reply to the complainant asking him (this includes 'her' -- I strive to avoid the PC 'them' usage) to be more tolerant. Usually this suggestion is taken in good part, and there the matter rests. However there may be times when the complaints have real substance. If I judge this to be the case I'll write privately and politely to the offending person with the request that he modifies his behaviour. I have only once expelled a member. Text styles and character coding preferences: I endeavour to keep MV messages conventional in e-mail terms, i.e. readable on non-graphical Unix systems. Correct vertical alignment of tables, lists, character-based diagrams or graphic signatures requires the use of a fixed- spaced typewriter-style font, 'Courier New' being the most familiar example among Windows users. Setting this requires you to override default settings in some of the newer Microsoft or browser-based mail clients (e.g. Netscape Mail). If your settings are ideal this message will appear fully justified! It's by no means essential, but it permits you to see these simple graphics the way their authors intended them. Styled or HTML text is not always rendered predictably in e-mail. Some mail systems substitute for non-ASCII characters (the GBP 'Pound' sign, accented letters) in their own mysterious ways -- many common clients don't even try to interpret Unicode. For universal compatibility anything other than plain ASCII text is best avoided. Messages distributed by MV have all styled text attributes and HTML tags removed (HTML is for the Web, not e-mail!) -- your tiny, italicised or coloured text will not survive my system. Eudora (down- loadable free on the Web), especially the older version 3, is a capable no- frills mail program for Windows that lets you control all you need, without assuming it knows best or imposing the predilections of its author, as some (e.g. MS Outlook Express) do! Mention of which brings me to... Attachments, viruses and e-mail 'worms': Some members' mailers can't handle binary attachments, so we don't transmit them unless we can convert them simply to plain text. Please restrict posts to text only -- if you have a relevant binary file (document, audio, image, video, whatever) to share with other members, send it to me direct. If it's relevant, I'll be happy to publish it for you via the Website, if necessary in the secure area accessible to members only. You (or I) will then post an MV message giving a URL for the new resource. This policy has the secondary advantage of ensuring that MV will not dump an e-mail virus on you. All the same, it's wise to be diligent: never open an attachment to any message you receive unless you know and trust the sender, and he's made reference to it in the accompanying message. On the subject of viruses, please beware those 'virus warning' chain letters -- they are strictly off-topic here. I should also advise against copying any message to an open list of addressees, such as your entire address book -- this is a gift to 'spammers', and you should never include MV's confidential posting address in such a list. Bounced messages: A 'bounced' message is one which your e-mail server returns to us (MV) with a comment that it was not (for whatever reason) delivered. We no longer re- send 'bounced' messages automatically. If your bounces appear permanent (if they number 20 or more consecutively or continue for more than two weeks or so) we'll first demote you (if you're a 'daily' member) to 'weekly' status. After three weeks we'll consider you unreachable and remove your entry from the circulation list. The usual reasons are 'invalid address' (you've moved on to another ISP without advising us), 'over quota' or 'account inactive'. Automatic redirections can also fail without any indication to you, so they are best avoided. If you need to segregate MV messages from your private or business mail, a free POP/SMTP e-mail account from any of numerous UK-based ISPs will probably give you better service than Hotmail, Yahoo, MSN or AOL. Resends and archives: Every new member receives automatically, on joining, this 'Welcome' message plus the previous week's digest. 'Daily' members are subscribed immediately to the daily circulation list, and for completeness (though inevitably with some repetition) they will also receive at the close of their first week of membership, that week's digest. Subsequently they will receive only 'daily' posts. Should you somehow miss a message and can't wait until it's uploaded to the Website, mail me (direct please) and request a re-send. If it's less than a week old you'll get just the message(s) requested, but if it's older you'll receive the appropriate week's digest. Remember -- messages over a week old can always be accessed via the Website! Website: If you're a new 'Voice' you should familiarise yourself with 'Smash Flops', our oxymoronically-titled Website, at: http://www.peteatkin.com (also http://peteatkin.com) There's also a redirection from http://www.peteatkin.co.uk and a link from our previous long-term home http://www.rwt.co.uk/pa.htm In order to bypass the 'Enter' page, set your bookmark (or 'favorite') from http://www.peteatkin.com/pa.htm -- your first contact point for background, links, news, releases and gigs. This is the Pete Atkin home page, and carries links to all the site's other features, including: http://www.peteatkin.com/padiscog.htm -- discography, with lyrics & chords. http://www.peteatkin.com/disworks.htm -- as above but all in one long page. http://www.peteatkin.com/audio.htm -- full listing of the 'RA' sound clips. We also carry MV message archives. There's a public-access hot-linked index page, but due to the work involved this contains only Year One of MV posts, with all personal details and e-mail addresses removed. These are available also in a ZIPped downloadable version. For the full-text archive, we have a password-protected members-only area with the original unedited plain ASCII text messages, complete up to the previous week. http://www.peteatkin.com/mvindex.htm -- HTML archive of MV Year 1 messages. http://www.peteatkin.com/mvindex.zip -- same, neatly packaged for download. http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/mvdigyr1.txt - full text archive of first year. http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/mvdigyr1.zip - ZIPped text, Year 1. Use WinZIP. http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/mvdigyr2.txt - full text archive MV Yr. 2, etc. http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/mvdigyr5.txt - full text archive Yr. 5 to date. http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/digwk***.txt - recent digests, use week number. Access to the private MV area requires a username and password. At present, for all members, these are set to: [revised September 2002] username : <hidden> password : <hidden> To see an index of the members' area, go to: http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/ We don't publish members' details, but we do include links to some members' existing home, company, department or hobby pages, at: http://www.peteatkin.com/mvmember.htm and a list of members' names at: http://www.peteatkin.com/mv/register.htm Some years we have organised a members' convention, customarily referred to by a variation on the 'Field of Dreams' theme -- a name applied to our very first festival (Monyash, Derbyshire) in 1997 -- 'we built it, and he came'. Please see the Website for details of all events -- there'll be a link from there either to the members' area or to the organiser's Website. Re-issues: All of Pete's six vinyl albums, plus Julie Covington's first (effectively a Pete Atkin album) are now available from See For Miles records. Missing are the songs 'Why?' and 'I'm Crazy Over You' from Live Libel (for running-time reasons), and it was also necessary to make a small cut in 'I've Got Better Things To Do' from the same album. There are no plans for CD release of the single 'Be Careful When They Offer You The Moon'. On the CD of 'The Road Of Silk... plus' the advertised single version of 'Sessionman's Blues' doesn't appear -- the album version is repeated instead. I intend to compensate for these omissions by posting MP3 versions on the Website -- stay tuned to the members' area! Links to on-line retailers can be found on the Website. These suppliers can accept overseas orders by credit card and ship to any part of the world. See For Miles catalogue numbers: Beware Of The Beautiful Stranger/Driving Through Mythical America C5HCD 664 The Beautiful Changes... plus SEECD 687 A King At Nightfall / The Road Of Silk... plus SEECD 722 Secret Drinker / Live Libel SEECD 725 We must thank Pete for his behind-the-scenes work in securing these classic re-issues, while congratulating Midnight Voices on demonstrating to him the demand! New recordings and concerts: 'The Lakeside Sessions' is MV's crowning achievement -- Pete's first studio album in 26 years. The 2 CDs can be bought, either singly or as a set, from Hillside Music in Bristol. See the Website for mail order and on-line shop. News of forthcoming concerts, including this year's tour, are posted in the 'gigs' section of the Website. Merchandise: You may see references in the archives to CD or video recordings of Pete at the Monyash Festival in 1997, or at FoD99, or to 'MV Buxton 98' tankards or mugs. All these were limited-edition items and have sold out -- sorry. With luck and goodwill we may have merchandise available at future events. The members' CD Library has been discontinued. Still available is the enamel 'Walk Towards The Music' MV badge/brooch. Get yours from Andy Love <email address hidden>. That's about it! If you've received this after its January 2002 publication date, check any PS below for updates. If you've received it in error please let me (not the Voices, please) know and I'll remove you -- there have been occasions when a new member has misspelled his e-mail address, resulting in his receiving nothing, but some bewildered (and generally annoyed) stranger somewhere (often in the USA) getting overwhelmed by mysterious MV postings! If you're new to our community you're hereby invited to introduce yourself! Talk superbly, Stephen J Birkill <email address hidden> <email address hidden> <email address hidden> Webmaster, "Smash Flops" Moderator, "Midnight Voices" <postal address hidden> Telephone <phone number hidden> Fax <fax number hidden> Web http://www.rwt.co.uk/ ============================================================================ | Midnight Voices - The Pete Atkin e-mail Discussion Group |76 char wrap| | - a closed group for free discourse on topics related to |Set window | | Pete Atkin and his songwriting collaborator Clive James. |width here -> | Moderator S J Birkill, admin msgs to <*****************> |and use font| | Please mail your MV message posts to: <****************> |Courier New | | Our Website ("Smash Flops") now http://www.peteatkin.com |to see msgs | | Members' area (/mv), user "*******", password "*******". |as intended.| ============================================================================ |
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