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Pete Atkin >> Words >> CJ - Japanese Maple
(Message started by: Tiny_Montgomery on Today at 17:48)

Title: CJ - Japanese Maple
Post by Tiny_Montgomery on Today at 17:48
Clive James has a new poem called Japanese Maple in the latest New Yorker (September 15)

Title: Re: CJ - Japanese Maple
Post by Kevin Cryan on 17.09.14 at 15:51
It has been reprinted in today's edition (http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/sep/16/clive-james-new-poem-japanese-maple-terminally-ill-author) of The Guardian

Katy Waldman, of Slate Magazine, has written a rather good
critical analysis (http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2014/09/16/clive_james_japanese_maple_the_australian_critic_pens_a_goodbye_poem_for.html) of the poem. Worth reading, I think.

Kevin Cryan

Title: Re: CJ - Japanese Maple
Post by Rob Spence on 17.09.14 at 20:32
The poet George Szirtes has reported that he has a piece on it in tomorrow’s Guardian.

Title: Re: CJ - Japanese Maple
Post by Kevin Cryan on 19.09.14 at 09:17
Why Clive James’s Japanese Maple is so much more than a poem (http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/18/clive-james-japanese-maple-dying-valedictory-farewell)

George Szirtes (http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/george-szirtes)

theguardian.com (http://www.theguardian.com/uk), Thursday 18 September 2014 14.00 BST

Kevin Cryan

Title: Re: CJ - Japanese Maple
Post by Kevin Cryan on 19.10.14 at 21:04

Terminally ill writer and broadcaster Clive James, who suffers from leukaemia and emphysema, has just had a new volume of essays published, called Poetry Notebook.

Broadcast in an interview with the BBC's Andrew Marr, the poet reads Japanese Maple, about a tree given to him by his daughter. He describes how autumn will see the leaves of the tree change colour and that witnessing this process will "end the game" for him.

'I'd be lost without poetry' (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-29680054)

Clive James reads his poem Japanese Maple (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-29680507)

Kevin Cryan

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