Title: Clive radio interview Post by sjm on Today at 12:02 "There is just one guest on tonight's program - the writer Clive James. Some who know him for his memoirs, his TV shows or his criticism may not know that he sees himself first and foremost as a poet. Mark Colvin speaks with Clive James about his latest book of verse - Nefertiti in the Flak Tower." http://www.abc.net.au/fridaylate Starts with all of Thief In The Night (original version). |
Title: Re: Clive radio interview Post by BogusTrumper on Today at 19:49 Thanks for the find |
Title: Re: Clive radio interview Post by Tiny_Montgomery on 17.05.12 at 20:39 Did anyone else pick up Clive saying he had supplied Pete with a new song lyric late last year? Plus, I'm sure 'Thirty Year Man' was played twice! Interesting programme nonetheless, revealing Clive's passion for poetry remains undimmed. |
Title: Re: Clive radio interview Post by Ian Ashleigh on 21.05.12 at 21:01 Agreed Tiny, but it was a fascinating interview |
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