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Pete Atkin >> Gigs >> Ambleside 13th. March song list and report
(Message started by: Space Cowboy on Today at 17:08)

Title: Ambleside 13th. March song list and report
Post by Space Cowboy on Today at 17:08
Firstly I must say what a great pleasure it was to see Pete in fine health and form. There were a few anecdotes accompanying the music. I was thinking what fun Pete and Clive must have had fifty years ago.

A huge thank you to Pete for the performance which was extremely well received by all who attended

First set

1. The man who walked toward the music g
2. Ice Cream Man g
3. Rain Wheels p
4. Dancing master p
5. Errant knight g
6. Driving through mythical America g
7. Sessionman’s blues p
8. Thief in the night g
9. Beware of the beautiful stranger g


Second set

1. Frangipanni was her flower p
2. Between us there is nothing p
3. Be careful when they offer you the moon g
4. Practical man g
5. Have you got a biro I can borrow g
6. Over the high side g
7. Screen freak p
8. Girl on the train g
9. Thirty years p
10. Master of the revels p


Rattlesnake Rock g

Title: Re: Ambleside 13th. March song list and report
Post by Jigbuster on 16.03.25 at 11:56
Thanks for putting the list up - saved me a job - my notes are in accordance!

I had requested "Dancing Master" and "Over the High Side" in advance and Pete was kind enough to include them. Several impromptu requests were also performed, so I don't know what the original setlist was.

It was lovely to see and hear Pete again, and particularly in the North. It would be great for him if somebody would put him on nearer to home (Bristol) as it's not a drive I would fancy.
Tony Farren

Title: Re: Ambleside 13th. March song list and report
Post by Space Cowboy on 25.03.25 at 08:26
As if by magic , Woking has appeared …

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