Title: New gigs: Eastbourne... Post by S J Birkill on Today at 00:59 https://www.peteatkin.com/images/lambsign155.jpg (https://lambfolkclub.co.uk/) Pete returns to one of his oldest haunts, The Lamb Folk Club in Eastbourne on the Sussex coast. He's booked for Wednesday, July 17th -- now listed on the Club's website at https://lambfolkclub.co.uk/ (https://lambfolkclub.co.uk/). The venue, as ever, is indeed The Lamb, up in the Old Town district of Eastbourne, and I can vouch for it as the perfect spot for some real ale, real food and real music on a summer's evening. News of another gig, this time in West Yorkshire, coming up. Stay tuned! Steve |
Title: Re: New gigs: Eastbourne... Post by S J Birkill on 20.03.24 at 21:40 ... but not Halifax. As it happens, the anticipated West Yorkshire gig didn't materialise, so Eastbourne in July is still the next one in Pete's performance diary. But I should remind you all to watch out for opportunities to suggest, remind, educate, propose, persuade, cajole, threaten, bribe or blackmail your local jazz/folk/blues/poetry/acoustic music venue, café, club, event or festival to consider booking Pete this summer. He's eager to play gigs of (almost) any scale, (almost) anywhere in the country, or beyond. He's not on the lookout for mere suggestions though -- a quick trawl of the Internet will yield dozens of possibilities -- but if you've found an events organiser serious about adding Pete to his or her upcoming bookings, please put them in touch. We even have a dedicated e-mail address, <bookings@peteatkin.com> where Pete can be reached with your proposals. Steve |
Title: Re: New gigs: Eastbourne... Post by Keith Busby on 01.04.24 at 02:03 Lamb website says 17th July, not 18th. |
Title: Eastbourne gig is July 17th! Post by S J Birkill on 01.04.24 at 18:45 Thank you Keith -- my error. I got it right on the website, but slipped a day on MV. Senior moment? Editing this thread by way of correction. All: Sorry -- please check your calendar! |
Title: Re: New gigs: Eastbourne... Post by S J Birkill on 16.07.24 at 07:01 Any Voices off to Eastbourne Wednesday night? A pint at the Eight Bells in Jevington, then on down to the Lamb in Old Town, where this cool muso bloke's gonna rock some geetar and ivories in the room upstairs, singing a bunch of pretty neat songs he wrote with some clever Aussie fella fifty-odd years ago. Then maybe a Madras down town. [ While Pete and Clive were creating their music in Cambridge I was on attachment to the BBC Transmitter Maintenance Team at Crystal Palace, fixing (among other sites) the old 10-watt (peak white) 405-line translator station at Butts Brow (Coombe Hill) above Eastbourne, and once meeting up in the evening for a curry with young friends from back home. The TV transmitting aerial there was unusual in having nulls towards Canterbury, Boulogne and Criel-sur-mer to minimise co-channel (and cross-channel!) interference (not many people knew that then; even fewer now.) ] Sorry I can't be there. SJB |
Title: Re: New gigs: Eastbourne... Post by S J Birkill on 19.07.24 at 07:34 Pete posted his setlist in another place this time. Here it is: Ice Cream Man (gtr) The Way You Are With Me (gtr) Flowers and the Wine (keyboard) Screen-Freak (keyboard) Practical Man (g) The Luck of the Draw (g) Beware of the Beautiful Stranger (g) Perfect Moments (k) Girl on the Train (g) ----- Sunrise (k) Master of the Revels (k) Thief in the Night (g) Wristwatch for a Drummer (g) An Empty Table (k) Touch Has A Memory (k) Ballad of an Upstairs Window (g) Thirty Year Man (k) Together at Last (g) + Have You Got A Biro I can Borrow? Laughing Boy -- Steve |
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