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Pete Atkin >> Gigs >> Pete at Eastbourne FC 18th May
(Message started by: Gerry Smith on Today at 16:23)

Title: Pete at Eastbourne FC 18th May
Post by Gerry Smith on Today at 16:23
Just a reminder Pete plays once again at The Lamb in Eastbourne tomorrow, 18th May. Tickets £5.00.

36 High Street, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1HH

Map: THIS LINK (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?oe=utf-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=the+lamb+eastbourne&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=the+lamb&hnear=0x47df70ac77af480d:0xf767a9a392d8f605,Eastbourne,+East+Sussex&cid=0,0,5697653810672240499&ei=XpLSTYKAK8618QO-jLXvCg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCUQnwIwAA)

Hope to see some of you there.



[Corrected hyperlink Gerry. You can either wrap the link (and thus hide its text) in [URL] tags as I did, or check the "Disable Smileys" box below the message composition window. Or both. -- Steve]

Title: Re: Pete at Eastbourne FC 18th May
Post by Gerry Smith on Today at 23:20
Thanks for sorting out the URL maythem, Steve. Very much looking forward to tomorrow - it's  been a while and I need my fix!

Title: Re: Pete at Eastbourne FC 18th May
Post by Gerry Smith on 19.05.11 at 01:32
A lovely evening at Eastbourne. So good to see Pete back on the road after his frozen shoulder woes. Good too, to see the piano again, but don't for a moment think I don't admire his work on the strings and frets. A bit less than a full house tonight, surprisingly, but a warm and receptive audience. Some splendid anecdotes I've not heard before too! The room at The Lamb the FC uses for gig is much better than the old one they used before the fire. Much bigger and less stairs to climb. The only familiar face, other than Pete's was that of Janice Sim and it was good to have the opportunity to catch up.

The highlight of the evening for me was hearing HOLS live for the first time. A superb performance of it too. The power of this song never fades and although I find it 'difficult listening' as it is so upsetting the power of the live performance was tenfold that of the recording.

Good to hear I Know The way a work in progress and only its second time out. I listened to The Australia tour CD recently and very much liked CLive's distinction between a song and a poem; a poem already has it music, a song is waiting for it. But Pete expounded on this further - a poem exists spatially in that is is written and you can go back and read again or jump hither and thither. A song on the other hand exists in time - it is linear. Interesting. I s'pose you could say the same though if a poem is spoken rather than read.

Thanks again, Pete for a wonderful evening. More soon, I hope.

PS - Andy Love, where are you? We miss your bicycle bell!

Set list was as follows:

1 - Laughing boy - g
2 - The Way you Are With Me - g
3 - Dancing Master - p
4 - Canoe - p
5 - Have You Got A Biro I Can Borrow? - g
6 - Carnations On The Roof - g
7 - Hill of Little Shoes - p
8 - I Know The Way - p
9 - Wristwatch For A Drummer - g


10 - Perfect Moments - g
11 - Driving Through Mythical America
12 - An Empty Table
13 -The King Is Dead
14 - Lady Of A Day
15 - I Will Write My Book (A Joe Henry Cover)
16 - Here We Stay



17 - Ice Cream Man, seguing to
18 - All I Ever Did

Title: Re: Pete at Eastbourne FC 18th May
Post by Jan on 20.05.11 at 21:16
Where were you all? You missed a good evening at the Lamb, Eastbourne. The new room is much more comfortable than the old (and with matching chairs!).
It was good to meet Gerry Smith again.
The performance was excellent with a good selection of the old songs among the newer ones. The former including the rarely heard Driving through mythical America and the lovely Lady of a day. I did miss the bell in Wristwatch for a drummer. It was at Eastbourne where Andy Love (plus bell) managed to get his car locked in the municipal car park overnight some years ago.
To have a lovely evening finish with All I ever did was just a perfect moment.
Thanks Pete. Lets have another gig soon  :)

Title: Re: Pete at Eastbourne FC 18th May
Post by Leslie Moss on 21.05.11 at 04:38
I had originally planned to come, but unfortunately a work commitment in Leeds came up that meant I had to be there overnight - the prospect of a round trip from Leeds to Bournemouth was just too much.

Good o hear about more new songs. I very much hope to get the opportunity to hear them at a future gig.


Title: Re: Pete at Eastbourne FC 18th May
Post by Ian Ashleigh on 21.05.11 at 09:11
I am so sorry to have missed a gig close to home.  My commitment to our Telford office got in the way again!!

We must get Pete to the Chequer Mead Theatre at East Grinstead very soon!!

Title: Re: Pete at Eastbourne FC 18th May
Post by Pete Atkin on 22.05.11 at 11:47
Hey, guys, don't take it personally - I'm sure Jan (winner of the door prize yet again) didn't mean it as an accusation.   Big thanks to all who were there, though, and most of all to Nick Westcott, who's been by several miles the person who has booked me most often over the longest period and who has remained resolutely undeterred in his commitment to keeping a live music club going.   I just need to find a few more like him around the place.  

I'll try to take account of all your individual unavailabilities when organising future gigs, so if you'd all let me know ...   Hang on, though, that would probably mean no gigs at all.   No, but seriously, though....

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