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Pete Atkin >> Gigs >> MV Concerts
(Message started by: Tim_Binsted on Today at 14:00)

Title: MV Concerts
Post by Tim_Binsted on Today at 14:00
I am someone who doesn't live in the UK and would like to attend a Pete Atkin concert again. However I cannot easily find when and where these concerts are held.
Would it be possible to provide for a sort of agenda of future concerts so that I (and possibly other like me) can see what is available. Of course this may already exist and I simply can't find it!

In particular is there anything going on in October around (very liberally interpreted) London?

Title: Re: MV Concerts
Post by S J Birkill on Today at 14:28

You've come to the right place! The reason you don't see a calendar of events is that, apart from the two listed here (see the news fader at the top of the forum's home page), there aren't any others scheduled! [Club types: why don't you book Pete to play at your folk/jazz/blues club?]

The Announcements (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=news;action=display;num=1091444599) thread in the News (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=news) board will be the first place a new gig is listed, but shortly afterwards it will appear in the Gigs (http://www.peteatkin.com/pa.htm#gigs) section of the Smash Flops (http://www.peteatkin.com/pa.htm) home page, where it will stay until after the event. At present this carries the upcoming Shrinks gig but not November's "PoD" as this is a members-only event. All the tours (including Australia) have always been scheduled there in full detail, and will continue to be -- the Website should always be your first port of call.

Your best bet for immediate advice of a new gig is to register for e-mail notification from the Announcements (http://www.peteatkin.com/cgi-bin/mv/YaBB.cgi?board=news;action=display;num=1091444599) thread.


Title: Re: MV Concerts
Post by Jeremy on 11.11.04 at 12:34

Looks like I was the only person to catch this exclusive appearance by our hero last night in Bristol.  Well, actually it was in the bar of St George's.  And we were there in order to see Show Of Hands.  But, just as I wondering if we'd see anyone we'd know as we entered the venue, my daughter muttered to me, 'does that chap over there just look like Pete Atkin or...?'

And it was.  He was as pleasant and polite as ever, in spite of having his evening disrupted by a large hairy man in a doubtful hat sitting down at his table in order to fire questions at him about future plans, the PoD, the live album and more touring.   He kindly answered all of them with good grace, before we had a wider-ranging discussion about Life As A Musician and whether you'd make more (or lose less) money from CDs or from gigs.  

This was partly prompted on my side by my experience of the evening's main act (which Pete was seeing for the first time).  Show Of Hands have been recording and gigging non-stop for the past fifteen years or so (such a level of activity is mirrored in our household, where we've been slavishly following them since 1994).  

If anyone is curious about my impressions of the rest of the evening, they can be found at http://www.longdogs.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=1101&st=210&#entry13567.

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