S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Migration to Dreamhost complete
« : 12.10.10 at 13:52 » |
Our move from Digital Forest to Dreamhost seems to have gone to plan, so I'm restoring the Forum to service after some 40 hours down time. You shouldn't see any difference at all, but we have had to change server paths and permissions across the range (quite a lot) of Website and Forum files, so it's just possible that I've overlooked something. It you discover anything that doesn't appear to work quite as it should, please let me know -- sjb(at)peteatkin(dot)com. If the Forum disappears again for a while, it'll be me, fixing things! It's just possible that a few isolated name servers will believe for another day or two that we're still with Digital Forest, but the major ISPs should already be up to date. Apologies to anyone whose return has been delayed! Stephen J Birkill Administrator, Midnight Voices Webmaster, Smash Flops PS -- we're still awaiting our 500th member. Will you, dear guest, be it?