S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Back from the Dead
« : 26.06.08 at 21:22 » |
Dear Voices of Midnight Regulars among you may have noticed things have not been well this week at peteatkin.com. Our fatefully named serving engine "Celestial" fell into a coma on Saturday last, woke briefly on Sunday and then went finally and irrevokably to its ancestral hunting ground somewhere over the Rocky Mountains. Or so I imagine. Hosting service provider Digital Forest speak only of a 'hardware failure', so we have to imagine the attendant smoke and flames. A chirpy young sprig named Spirea has taken over Celestial's earthbound duties, but has still to learn the ropes. Not everything is in the same place, and we'd built quite a complex of scripts and dynamic HTML during Celestial's time, much of which needs tweaking in terms of internal addresses and file permissions before it will work quite as well as it did before. I seem to have got the basic Forum and Website functions running again, so we're about to go live. But there will be some creaks, groans and probably errors until we've got all the sights aligned and the bearings oiled (is it a shrub, a ship, a train?), which I will do as time permits over the next few days. So don't be surprised if some things don't work, or don't look right, or we go off line from time to time. The good news is that we don't seem to have lost anything. All memberships and messages appear to be intact; there may be some oddities due to file dates having been reset -- for instance the colour-coded 'viewed' and 'posted' columns in the Members section have all been reset: the long-absent members will have to begin all over again their fade to pale blue. So, let's see if this posts! Stephen J Birkill Administrator, Midnight Voices