S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Note for Firefox users
« : 27.06.07 at 08:43 » |
It was pointed out to me last week in Bristol that the browser-viewable version of MV's RSS feed wasn't working in Mozilla/Firefox. I discovered that this browser is more picky than most about style sheet MIME type settings, and that a small change to the server configuration was needed. This has now been done, and clicking on the RSS icon in Firefox should now yield a meaningful result. In the process I discovered a couple of Smash Flops page layout issues that also seemed to affect only Firefox. These too I've now fixed -- it wasn't bad page layout on my part, so much as bad HTML! Steve PS: Anyone who spots what might be an error in display or rendering (or in anything else on the site), please let me know.