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   Bakewell Acoustic Music Festival
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   Author  Thread: Bakewell Acoustic Music Festival  (Read 5981 times)
Ian Sorensen
MV Feature

A King at Sunrise

Posts: 45
Bakewell Acoustic Music Festival
« : 24.04.10 at 18:00 »

This is a plug for the Bakewell Acoustic Music Festival that's on from Aug 13-15th this year. (Details at http://www.bamf.co.uk/). There, that's done.
However, why it was done is a much longer and stranger tale, with a very, very slight connection to Pete at both ends of it.
My girlfriend lives in Sheffield, about halfway between the delightful Lantern Theatre and PA HQ, where the Birkills maintain PA's global web presence. When I'm in Sheffield we often go to a wine shop/restaurant where we meet a fascinating cross section of Sheffield folk, including a chap called Jonathan Rowlands. He is currently promoting the aforementioned Bakewell Acoustic Music Festival for which he gave me a flyer today. This is just the latest in a long line of music related work he's done, one of them being the producer of the Captain Beaky records back in the  70s. (He owns the rights to Captain Beaky and has a steady income from the official site where you can, apparently, obtain all things Beaky).  
He's a fascinating guy with fabulous anecdotes and I enjoy chatting with him when he's here and not in his winter home in Tasmania. When I saw the Bakewell flyer I immediately thought of the Monyash Festival (which I missed) and the first FoD which also took place in a tent near Buxton - thus a link to PA was forged in my brain which no doubt triggered the second link: Noel Edmonds.
I know that for many Voices it is Kenny Everett playing Master of the Revels that first brought Pete to their attention, but for me it was Noel Edmonds playing Carnations on the Roof that did it. He was also, you may recall, responsible for making Captain Beaky a big hit with his "Hissing Sid is Innocent" campaign.
So, there you have it: two tenuous links to PA and a plug for a festival I probably can't go to as I'm at the Edinburgh Fringe for most of August.
Hope it's been of some interest to some of you!
Ian Sorensen
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S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 889
Re: Bakewell Acoustic Music Festival
« Reply #1: 24.04.10 at 21:06 »

Now, if only the aforementioned (in another thread) Coope, Boyes and Simpson had been on the bill, I might have been persuaded to cross once again the old kingdom line between Northumbria and Mercia (at the Whirlow, a.k.a. Limb, Brook, less than a mile south-west of here). I'm sure I could still find my way to Bakewell. Jim Boyes is lovingly remembered at this address for his days with Swan Arcade, whose acapella 'The Battle Of Sowerby Bridge' you might (in a different branch of the multiverse) have heard myself and immediate family members performing at the Hebden Bridge CoD in 2001. No, it didn't happen. Not here (we didn't rehearse. Maybe we should have done SA's take on 'Brilliant Mistake', instead). But we didn't. Do either, that is. Be glad. Be very glad...
Consider this thread thoroughly hijacked!
PS - I didn't think Edmonds was even born in Capt. Beaky's day! He certainly seemed a callow youth when he took over from Ken on the wireless, much to one's disgust! (Is that too strong a word?) Trying to do silly voices and imitate KE's style -- no thank you. Perhaps he got wisdom later?
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Stephen J Birkill
Ian Ashleigh
MV Fixture

Carnations on the Roof

Posts: 155
Re: Bakewell Acoustic Music Festival
« Reply #2: 25.04.10 at 17:01 »

Mr Sorenson, as well as sharing a first name with me, we share the same introduction to PA/CJ via the Noel Edmonds playing Carnations on the Roof on his Sunday morning show.  Subsequenlty my older brother bought the vinyl compilation of Master of the Revels and I bought The Road of Silk and Secret Drinker.
So sorry Mr B it was the redoubltable Mr Edmonds who introduced me to the wondeful music of Pete Atkin and Clive James and not the much lamented Kenny Everett whom I met as an 8 year old when he filmed an insert for his Television Show at my Junior School - Wembley Manor.
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Though he had no great gifts of personality or mind, he was quite well respected.
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