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Thread: The Umpires Are On Their Way Out... (Read 6356 times) |
Andy Love
MV Feature

Posts: 57
The Umpires Are On Their Way Out...
« : 27.04.05 at 22:08 » |
"Good Morning, Geoffrey. Good Morning, Mike. Good Morning Everyone." (Hi Chorus) Well - some distant sunshine, the delicious harmonies of leather on willow and the anticipation of Ritchie's greeting (see above) have finally tempted me out of my e-torpor! The combination of a number of circumstances (only one of which was MV-related) caused me to power down post-PoD and I've been hunkered down in my cave through the Winter. I didn't know quite where to put this message, actually - I don't want anyone to think that my choice of this board was an act of conceit ... mind you, surely my return to Midvodia is an event which deserves a few inches in the Society press? I just wanted to clear my throat, as it were, by saying 'cheers' to all who have messaged me by various means over the past month or three, clearly wondering if I'd fallen off the edge of the earth but not wanting actually to formulate that possibility as text! In a way, I have been to the edge of something or other, but it was still very rude of me not to have responded to you all straight away. So - Deities, Grand SclonchPersons, Politburo Members, Songstresses, Sclonchmates, Statisticians and Midvodians-in-Exile [you'll all know which you are!] - I'll reply to you all very soon - honest! - and then I'll take up where I left off, Forum-wise. It may not be pretty, however Someone thought he had spotted me e-lurking around, but although I haven't been an utter stranger to my PC, he was mistaken on that occasion: there are three other people who use this machine. So it's back to Treblinka for further training for you, Agent Richard! I had meant Naomi's second 'Sondheim' gig to have catalysed my re-emergence, but some bastard at short notice scheduled a work meeting for that afternoon. And, since I'm a Department of one, I couldn't wriggle out of it. But thanks, Leslie and Sean, for your reports. I really wish I could have joined you. Right, I suppose I'd better see about this newfangled Newsletter thingy, then... Bests to everyone. Andy [Blinking in the sun in Milton Keynes, MK]
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Leslie Moss
MV Fixture
 Marmite Soldier
Posts: 161
Re: The Umpires Are On Their Way Out...
« Reply #1: 28.04.05 at 08:04 » |
Good to have you back, Andy. Your friends were beginning to get worried about you, and Completist Corner was sounding very quiet! Leslie
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 242
Re: The Umpires Are On Their Way Out...
« Reply #2: 28.04.05 at 08:14 » |
Okay everyone - sorry to disappoint you all - Saturdays trip to Milton Keynes is cancelled. Leslie please would you call the Coach company for me - I've already informed the police and returned the banners - we can keep the fireworks for november but apparently the brass band still want paying... Nice to hear from you Andy - very good indeed!
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Richard Bleksley
MV Fixture
 My time has come to find a better way
Posts: 164
Re: The Umpires Are On Their Way Out...
« Reply #3: 28.04.05 at 11:14 » |
Well, what can I say?.... Wonderful to have you back, Andy, and a great relief to know you're OK. After all that e-correspondence about PoD last year it really did feel like losing a friend. What about doing another one some time, eh? Agent Richard
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Simon Reap
MV Fixture

Toggler to the few!
Posts: 115
Re: The Umpires Are On Their Way Out...
« Reply #4: 29.04.05 at 12:33 » |
Welcome back, Andy - it was indeed gettng a bit quiet round here. on 28.04.05 at 11:14, Richard Bleksley wrote:What about doing another one some time, eh? |
| Another one? I suppose the rosy glow of PoD memories (it was a *great* day!) must have blotted out the horrors of actually getting it to happen! (Still, if anyone *was* thinking of running an *oD and needed a sound engineer.... ;-) ) Simon, knob-toggler to the stars
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Richard Bleksley
MV Fixture
 My time has come to find a better way
Posts: 164
Re: The Umpires Are On Their Way Out...
« Reply #5: 29.04.05 at 14:36 » |
No, Simon, for whatever reason (a certain in-built masochistic streak comes immediately to mind) my experiences with organising PoD weren't horrific enough to put me off the idea of doing it all again - though on a rather less over-ambitious scale. Exactly when is another matter, but as far as sound engineering goes I certainly haven't forgotten the marvellous job you did at PoD. PoDmeister Richard
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Leslie Moss
MV Fixture
 Marmite Soldier
Posts: 161
Re: The Umpires Are On Their Way Out...
« Reply #6: 29.04.05 at 17:48 » |
Don't want to sound like a wet blanket, but I've started a Physics degree since the last *oD and this is going to make an active involvement in ticket sales or whatever rather difficult between Feb and October (the OU's academic year). But I'm happy to contribute in any way I can especially outside that period. Realistically, I'm assuming that we're looking at next year anyway? Leslie
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Secret Drinker
MV Fixture

Paul Gunningham, MoM
Posts: 207
Re: The Umpires Are On Their Way Out...
« Reply #7: 10.05.05 at 10:30 » |
on 29.04.05 at 12:33, Simon Reap wrote:Welcome back, Andy - it was indeed gettng a bit quiet round here. |
| Welcome back indeed Andy. I've also been a bit quiet myself lately, but that's probably a relief to most of you! on 29.04.05 at 12:33, Simon Reap also wrote: Simon, knob-toggler to the stars |
| Simon, I didn't know knobs were toggled, but then I never was very technically minded. Are you also a switch-twiddler by any chance? ;-) Cheers to all Paul
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