S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Christmas Newsletter 2022
« : 24.12.22 at 23:37 » |
Today Pete circulated his latest e-mail newsletter, in which, apart from sentiments befitting the season, he reminds us of his forthcoming appearances in London and Birmingham, and gives us a progress report on the new CD he's been working on with the multi-talented Simon Wallace and an impressive array of backing musicians. If you're not yet signed up to receive the newsletter (called 'Newsletter'), or even if you are, you can read it now, or later, or indeed subscribe to it, at https://www.peteatkin.com/newsletter.htm. I join Pete in wishing all our members the very best for the midwinter season, and continuing good health and every happiness throughout the coming year. Steve Administrator, Midnight Voices