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Thread: Latest Newsletter (Read 3676 times) |
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Latest Newsletter
« : 05.11.21 at 01:38 » |
Today Pete despatched the latest edition of his e-mail Newsletter, only the second this year. In it he reminds us of the upcoming Cambridge and Dorking gigs (already announced here in MV), and reveals stop-press news about his newly-scheduled Pheasantry (London) concerts with Simon Wallace in 2022. As is my habit, I've added its content to the website's newsletter archive so that it can be viewed by all, subscribers or not (albeit a day late and not, I hope, a dollar short). Find it at If you'd like to subscribe for future newsletters to be delivered to your mailbox, just find the yellow 'Newsletter' block on the Smash Flops front page (i.e. HERE) and fill in your name and e-mail address. Steve
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Stephen J Birkill
Avner Greenberg
MV Feature

Posts: 62
Re: Latest Newsletter
« Reply #1: 18.02.22 at 17:02 » |
Hello all, For anyone who hasn't received Pete's latest newsletter (Feb. 16), may I take the liberty of sharing some heartwarming news contained therein: <In the mean time, that nice Mr Wallace and I are determined to get ourselves sufficiently well organised to get some stuff recorded. I'm not sure yet exactly how I'll make it available (I mean, do people still want CDs?), but making it available somehow is kind of the point. At the very least we'll put down our current versions of some of the oldies we've been doing live, which means that some of it may end up looking not unlike a Songbook Vol.2, a way of keeping the songs active and alive.> Now there's something to look forward to! Best wishes, Avner
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Avner Greenberg
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Re: Latest Newsletter
« Reply #2: 29.07.22 at 19:49 » |
Just a quick note, for the handful of you not yet subscribed to Pete's irregular but always informative e-mail Newsletter, to say that the latest edition was circulated earlier today. In it Pete surreptitiously hints (shhh -- the best way, I think) at the possibility of his accepting bookings for private events: he'll be appearing at a private party not far from his home base in Bristol this coming month. As ever, Pete can be reached (for booking enquiries only) at the address given in the 'Gig Guide' section of the website. Otherwise, if you don't have his personal e-mail address you can contact him via MV Personal Message (formerly 'Instant Message' -- use the 'Message' link in the top menu bar of any MV page). Pete's cryptic MV username is "Tek_Painter". To read this, or any previous Newsletter, or to subscribe or unsubscribe your e-mail address, go to our Newsletter Archive. Steve
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Stephen J Birkill
Rob Spence
MV Fixture
 Hypertension Kid
Posts: 185
Re: Latest Newsletter
« Reply #3: 28.08.22 at 13:18 » |
Pete's always welcome and informative newsletter landed today, and contained this exciting news, which expands on previous mentions of imminent new recordings: "A few months back, Simon and I decided we should record the versions of some of the songs we’ve been doing together live at the Pheasantry over the past few years. So that’s what we did. But then we thought that some of these would benefit from the addition of bass and drums and maybe some other instruments. The upshot of that is that we brought in Alec Dankworth on bass, Rod Youngs on drums, and Nigel Price on electric guitar, and we are in the middle of what will turn out to be a Clive and Pete Songbook Volume Two album (title as yet undecided; no, that doesn’t mean I’m calling it As Yet Undecided; at least, I haven’t yet decided to call it that)." As Yet Undecided seems like a great title to me. Just whimsical enough.
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Avner Greenberg
MV Feature

Posts: 62
Re: Latest Newsletter
« Reply #4: 07.09.22 at 17:30 » |
An alert to Songbook vol. 2 is exciting news indeed. Thanks to Pete and friends for taking on this new project, wishing you the best of luck with it. It is eagerly awaited.
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Avner Greenberg