S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Hillside Music Shop updates
« : 14.03.23 at 01:04 » |
Today I applied Pete's latest revisions to the Hillside Music on-line shop. https://www.peteatkin.com/hillshop.htm Postal charges have been overdue for revision, so inevitably these have increased. Regrettably, he's had to call time on some of the long-standing Pete Atkin CD titles, with just the odd copy remaining on the shop shelves. So Australia has gone, as have The Lakeside Sessions (both discs) and Winter Spring -- all deleted. Stocks of Midnight Voices and The Colours Of The Night are a little healthier, so these remain available, but at (now) a fiver apiece they won't last forever. The six most recent titles by The Shrinks remain in stock, now reduced to two pounds each, and there's a special price of £10 available if you want to buy the set of six. Pete is working out an arrangement to make Ian Shircore's two Atkin/James books, Loose Canon and So Brightly At The Last available through the shop, and of course there's his own promised new CD coming out later in the year. So keep checking back. Steve