S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Hillside Music: stock situation update
« : 24.08.20 at 23:31 » |
Pete's Hillside Music shop is now sold out of The Lakeside Sessions, Volume 1, "History and Geography". There's still some stock of Volume 2 ("A Dream Of Fair Women") , but what's left will not last long, and there's no current prospect of a reprint for either. The "Live in Australia" 2-CD set is out of stock, but Pete is hoping to re-issue this one. "Winter Spring" is also running low, and when the remaining stock is gone there will be no more. Otherwise, stocks of "Midnight Voices" and "The Colours Of The Night" remain healthy, but I expect you've all got those. To make sure you don't miss out, visit the Shop page.