Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 1144
Clive Down Under
« : 30.04.07 at 06:48 » |
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 6 for 6.30pm Clive James Cultural Amnesia: Notes In The Margin Of My Time Published by: Pan Macmillan Venue: NSW Teachers Federation Conference Centre 39-41 Reservoir St, Surry Hills Cost: Cost:$15/$12 conc. and gleeclub* welcome Book: gleebooks - 9660 2333 or Request a place ‘In this book can be heard the merest edge of an enormous conversation. As they never were in life, we can imagine the speakers all gathered in some vast room, wearing name tags in case they don’t recognize each other (although some recognize each other all too well, and avoid contact). My heroes and heroines are here. The reader will recognize some of their names, while other names will be more obscure. My intellectual betes noires are here too, and the same division might apply.’ Clive James An almanac combining a comprehensive survey of modern culture with an annotated index of who-was-who and what-was-what, Cultural Amnesia is Clive’s unique take on the places and the faces that shaped the twentieth-century. From Anna Akhmatova to Stefan Zweig, via Charles de Gaulle, Hitler, Thomas Mann and Wittgenstein, this varied and unfailingly absorbing book is both story and history, both public memoir and personal record – and provides an essential field-guide to the vast movements of taste, intellect, politics and delusion that helped to prepare the times we live in now. Kevin Cryan *This is Gleebooks sponsored event. (K.C.)