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   No more deleted albums?
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   Author  Thread: No more deleted albums?  (Read 8412 times)
Kevin Cryan
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No more deleted albums?
« : 19.01.06 at 11:46 »

Can it be that we are now getting that much closer to having Pete & Clive's back catalogue available again?  
I ask because Owen Gibson, the Guardian's media correspondent, writing in today's edition, reports that....  
…a record firm yesterday announced plans to exhume long deleted tracks by these artists and thousands of other acts, to boost sales and introduce internet downloads to a much wider audience.
Universal Music Group, home to U2 and the world's biggest record company, will next month take the first step towards rescuing more than 100,000 tracks from its archives over the next three years.
By offering old tracks, by everyone from Eddie and the Hot Rods to legendary Jacques Brel, Universal hopes to make incremental revenue and get an older audience downloading music.

 For full story click here [link]
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Harry Verderchi
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Re: No more deleted albums?
« Reply #1: 24.03.06 at 13:49 »

Please can I welcome me to this board.
I'm trying to get hold of RoS/KaN on CD - cheapest I have seen is about £25 - but I have seen £35-£50 as well.
Why not reissue them? There is obviously a market! Huh
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Ian Chippett
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Re: No more deleted albums?
« Reply #2: 25.03.06 at 08:17 »

Welcome aboard! Unfortunately, it seems impossible that we will ever get these albums again except second-hand on Ebay or whereever.
If Pete were starting out today, he'd do well to make six albums and not release any of them, wait 30 years and then sell them on Ebay at 50 quid a copy...
Ian C
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Richard Hales
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Re: No more deleted albums?
« Reply #3: 12.12.06 at 16:41 »

I am new to MV,  but not to Pete Atlkin and Clive James beautifully crafted and performed songs.
It is so frustrating not being able to buy Pete's early material on CD.  
All my worn LPs offer me is "Imperfect Moments". ( Even the lovely acoustic guitar Live in Austrailia version of the song has someone coughing in the audience.)
£40 for a double CD on Ebay is not an option.
Would it be possible to make these wonderful albums available as downloads? There has to be a sensible way of solving this issue.  
I can't be the only enthusiast with this problem. If you feel like me, please make your presence felt!
Help, Pete!
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Pete Atkin
MV Godfather

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Re: No more deleted albums?
« Reply #4: 12.12.06 at 18:01 »

Hi Richard -- Welcome!   I know that your frustration is shared by many another of your fellow MVs.   If you feel like delving around in the MV Archive you'll find the answers in several places, but briefly, not wanting to bore to distraction any for whom this is tedious old stuff, I do not own the 70s recordings and therefore cannot myself arrange for its reissue.
It's boring but important to understand that there are three co-existent kinds of right involved.  There's the writers' copyright in the songs being sung, i.e. in this case basically Clive's and/or mine;  there's copyright in the (i.e. my) recorded performances;  and there's the ownership of the physical recordings themselves.  Only the owners of the recordings can authorise or arrange to make them available commercially.  If and when they do so they are obliged to pay the writers and performers appropriate royalties, statutory in the case of the songs and according to contract in the case of the performances.   But if the owners of the recordings do not want to - usually because they think there is insufficient commercial advantage in it --  they do not have to make them available at all.
Back in the late '90s, thanks to the renewed interest roused up by the Midnight Voices, I was able to persuade the reissue specialist label See For Miles Records (now no longer with us) to approach the owners of the six '70s albums and to acquire the rights to reissue them, which, after some considerable difficulty in the case of RCA (BMG), who effectively own the last four albums (from A King At Nightfall onward), is what happened.  Since the demise of SFM a couple of years ago, all the remaing stocks of the CDs have been sold.
I think there's a reasonable chance of Bucks Music (the owners of the first two albums) being persuaded to do something with them at some point, but RCA/BMG have always been - how shall I put it? - unenthusiastic in their responses.   They are the people you should lobby.   They are the only people it makes any sense to lobby.    I myself try writing to them from time to time to ask, for instance, why I have received no royalty statements regarding the SFM reissues, and have never ever received a reply of any kind.
I agree that making them available as downloads makes an awful lot of sense these days, but the bad old/good old days of Napster are long past, and unless you are willing to have your metaphorical legs metaphorically broken I can't advise going via any but the legal route.    The whole download thing had barely begun - and had no legitimacy at all - when the SFM CDs were issued, and the business has changed quite a bit since then, to the extent that it may be difficult now to find a company like SFM willing to take on doing the necessary deals to reissue CDs.  If I could get the rights myself I would seriously consider making the albums available myself via Hillside Music.  That's not impossible, but the barriers are sturdy and large.
I myself don't by any means disown the old stuff, and I'm immensely flattered that people should remember it so fondly and want to lay hands on decent modern copies of it, but I hope I'll be forgiven for saying that that was then and this is now and that for myself I'm a whole lot more interested in putting energy into the now rather than the then.    
Sorry - I tend to build up a bit of a head of steam on this subject.  I hope that's at least a partial explanation.
All the best
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Richard Hales
MV Fresher

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Re: No more deleted albums?
« Reply #5: 12.12.06 at 20:27 »

Thank you, Pete for your extensive reply. It should be so simple to satisfy my need to  replace my worn out albums but to quote my favourite song "perfect bitch, it doesn't work that way."
Perhaps, you might consider re-recording the most frequently voted for 10 songs. Nothing fancy. Pete. Just a piano. guitar and a studio!  
Thank you for some great music.
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Jim Grozier
MV Feature

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Re: No more deleted albums?
« Reply #6: 13.12.06 at 10:26 »

At the risk of opening a can of worms, what is the policy on making a CD copy of one of the deleted albums for a friend who particularly likes "Beware of the Beautiful Stranger" (say) but cannot get a copy herself? I would certainly not want to do anything that would deprive Pete or Clive of income, but that doesn't seem to be the case when the albums are not available for sale anyway.
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Secret Drinker
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Paul Gunningham, MoM

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Re: No more deleted albums?
« Reply #7: 13.12.06 at 13:48 »

on 12.12.06 at 20:27, Richard_Hales wrote:
Perhaps, you might consider re-recording the most frequently voted for 10 songs. Nothing fancy. Pete. Just a piano. guitar and a studio!

Pete has indicated he would possibly re-record some of the best songs from the original and now unavailable albums, so this seems a good idea to me!  Smiley
At the risk of opening a can of worms, what is the policy on making a CD copy of one of the deleted albums for a friend who particularly likes "Beware of the Beautiful Stranger" (say) but cannot get a copy herself? I would certainly not want to do anything that would deprive Pete or Clive of income, but that doesn't seem to be the case when the albums are not available for sale anyway.

I don't know what Pete's view is (maybe he will respond in person) but although you would not be depriving him or Clive now, it could be argued that you might be doing so in future, should the CDs get reissued.
(However, one leading folk group I saw recently was encouraging their fans to copy their CDs for their friends. They consider that the 'spreading the word' factor outweighs any short term financial loss. They make most of their money from touring anyway, so bums on seats is more important to them than CD sales.)
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Staving off the pressure... by drinking real ale
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Re: No more deleted albums?
« Reply #8: 13.12.06 at 13:55 »

The policy is that is is illegal.
The British Phonographic Industry website has some FAQs:
If you go down the page you will find the item:
I paid £10 for my CD, why am I not allowed to share it with my friends?
When you buy a CD, you buy a personal copy of the music; you do not buy the right to copy or distribute it.  
Copying a CD and giving the copy to a friend is an infringement of copyright and is illegal.

The fact that millions of people do it does not change the law.
The owner can give you permission to copy but most do not without charging a significant fee.  
You will find definite and unusual threats on the Hillside CDs about infringements of copyright. Most artists are very serious about the subject.
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