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   Pete Atkin
(Moderator: S J Birkill)
   300 members, and a birthday!
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   Author  Thread: 300 members, and a birthday!  (Read 3201 times)
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 861
300 members, and a birthday!
« : 21.08.05 at 21:09 »

This weekend, MV is celebrating a milestone: 300 members have now signed up to this Forum. It's not as many as we had at the peak of the email version of MV, but it's a lot more sign-ups than many thought we'd ever achieve when we made the change.
A far more (or less, Pete might suggest) significant milestone is reached tomorrow, Monday 22nd. If you've been counting, you'll realise, incredibly, it's Pete's 60th birthday! I'm sure all will join with me in wishing him every happiness, and may the next 60 years be even happier!
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Stephen J Birkill
Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 167
Re: 300 members, and a birthday!
« Reply #1: 22.08.05 at 01:52 »

Congratulations on the triple century, Steve!
And, Pete, ad multos annos. See you at Wavendon, Oct. 1. Anyone else (other than Colin) going to be there?
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
Paul Leighton
MV Friend

Mine's a Thatchers!

Posts: 32
Re: 300 members, and a birthday!
« Reply #2: 22.08.05 at 15:12 »

Landmarks worth celebrating!
Although I fully understood the reasoning behind the change to the current forum I was one of the Jeremiahs who feared that the new format would never reach anything like the take-up previously achieved.  Having reached the 300 mark, all we need now is for Midvodians  to actually post messages from time-to-time ...and I plead guilty as charged!
To Pete - best wishes - looking forward to catching up with the tour in Yeovil. ( Complete with the obligatory apple-laced glass and straw hat.)
From a wet and windy West....
best wishes
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Paul Leighton
Paul Leighton
MV Friend

Mine's a Thatchers!

Posts: 32
Re: 300 members, and a birthday!
« Reply #3: 22.08.05 at 15:31 »

Sorry to clutter up the system ....but I intended to ask: is anyone else  planning to make it to the Yeovil gig?  
If so, a glass of something beforehand might be agreeable.....
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Paul Leighton
Gerry Smith
MV Fixture

Posts: 222
Re: 300 members, and a birthday!
« Reply #4: 22.08.05 at 23:37 »

300 members, eh?  The original silent majority Wink  Like Paul, gulty as charged, m'lud.  
HBTY, Pete!  Will the occasion inspire a song or two I wonder?  
Once got a birthday card which featured a musical stave system almost completely obliterated by multi-coloured random crayon scribble.  It was headed "Happy Birthday Yo You".  My brother, ex MV Cliff, wryly added in biro "Trad. arr. John Cage".
Anyone else going to the Sevenoaks show?
Best to all
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Out playing the saxes
Secret Drinker
MV Fixture

Paul Gunningham, MoM

Posts: 207
Re: 300 members, and a birthday!
« Reply #5: 26.08.05 at 10:50 »

Apologies for being late, but hearty congrats to Pete and Steve on achieving their respective milestones!
Pete, a tip I got from my old granny, bless 'er: if you don't want your ankles to fold over your shoes, wear wellies  Grin
I'm not sure which gig I'll be able to go to on the tour - sadly we're away for the Stables gig, which would otherwise have been the easiest for us to get to. Are there likely to be any more dates added to the list?
Cheers to all
Temporarily breaking silence in Herts  Cool
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Staving off the pressure... by drinking real ale
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