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   Pete Atkin

   thanks to Pete and Clive
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   Author  Thread: thanks to Pete and Clive  (Read 1663 times)
Leonardo Rainbow
MV Friend

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 16
thanks to Pete and Clive
« : 21.03.05 at 12:46 »

Hi Peeps
Trust everything is relatively sane in your world although I have just made it through some temporary insanity, not mine I quickly add and much thanks to Pete and Clive for being instrumental (now that's an appropriate word  Grin) for helping me come to terms with an affair that led me so deep into the rabbit hole I may have gone past the Antipodes in fact I did.
My 4 pack of CD's from Hillside 9x2, winter, more damned lies and english chanson arrived a few days ago and already the CD's are wearing thin from my playing them over and over in fact I think I am addicted, what a sweet addiction.  Pete and Clive you two guys are magicians the comfort received from hearing that someone else has been through what you're going through provides and I make no apologies for saying so, succour and support in a time of need . Thank you, thank you and thrice thank you. You guys have helped me come through to the other side back into the light.
I must also mention Kath Tait on the chanson CD one particular song 'the hole in the hedge' almost exactly summed up, except for the man on man bit although that applied in a deliciously perverse way to her husband not to me, what had gone down in this brief affair please pass my thanks onto Kath and I'm not sure but can we get her CD from Hillside?
As a point of potential interest I am in the habit of doing Rainbows Updates from this side of the pond regarding my various adventures and indeed I have sent Pete a copy of the latest similar in a way to Pete's newsletter sort of thang.
Should you wish to be included in my Rainbows Updates from the Colonies which are sent whenever My Muse strikes, my email is in my profile, just mail me and I would be delighted to add you to the list.  I would mention I always BCC all addresses on the list so no one knows anyone elses email in the interests of your privacy and I do not sell email addresses either Cool Smiley
Apart from that it still seems pretty quiet in here am I the only one that remembers how to post something?  Oh that was a tad assertive would you accept oops? Huh
Regards to all the Midnight Voicers and especially Pete, Clive and Kath thanks guys and gals
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Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse will happen all day
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