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Thread: Hi Y'all (Read 2592 times) |
Leonardo Rainbow
MV Friend
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 16
Hi Y'all
« : 02.03.05 at 23:47 » |
Hi Y'all I'm an Englishman living now in Connecticut USA trying to teach them how to speak and spell English!!!! and also how the heck to make a proper cup of rosy lee, did you want cream with your tea they ask Hmpph hell no!!!!!!! Anyhoo, many moons back I used to go to the footlights and immensely enjoyed it So, this was just a hi and hello Leonardo Rainbow
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Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse will happen all day
Pete Atkin
MV Godfather

Posts: 510
Re: Hi Y'all
« Reply #1: 03.03.05 at 19:07 » |
Hi Leo (if I may make so bold) -- Welcome to the group. It's been a bit quiet around here lately. Maybe you can stir things up a bit. So do you mean you saw me in the Footlights? Or does the fact that you say you enjoyed it mean you didn't? It's alway interesting to know how people find out about the Great Latterday Atkin/James Revival. Was it just an idle Google? (This is by way of being a bit of undercover probing on behalf of the Hillside Music Market Research and Career Extension (Putative) Dept.) All the best Pete PS - Are you by any chance related to Ike 'n' Singer?
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Leonardo Rainbow
MV Friend
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 16
Re: Hi Y'all
« Reply #2: 04.03.05 at 10:44 » |
Hi Pete Hi Leo (if I may make so bold) -- You can be as bold as you like Welcome to the group. It's been a bit quiet around here lately. Maybe you can stir things up a bit. Why thank'ee kindly kind sir and I'll do me best to stir things up a bit but to quote dear Kenny Everett only in the nicest possible way So do you mean you saw me in the Footlights? Or does the fact that you say you enjoyed it mean you didn't? LOL oh come now Dear Pete I am one of the cognecenti however it's spelt that really enjoyed the magic you created which I've never forgotten and yes I did see you and Clive at the footlights in it's early days and we actually spoke on occaision, ermmm can't spell that either, in fact there is a missive winging it's way towards you and Clive in the mail which will explain in a little more detail, all will be revealed It's alway interesting to know how people find out about the Great Latterday Atkin/James Revival. Was it just an idle Google? (This is by way of being a bit of undercover probing on behalf of the Hillside Music Market Research and Career Extension (Putative) Dept.) I never object to a bit of probing well depending on whose doing the probing that is Actually the missive will explain the whole story but no it wasn't an eric idle google I ordered your Beautiful Stranger/Driving Though Mythical America double CD again the missive will explain, sorry to be a tad mysterious but you'll understand when it pops through the letter box I was sad to see that See For Miles went under, I used to be on CRMK a Milton Keynes Community Radio Station and used to get quite a lot of stuff from them but then nothing lasts forever All the best Pete PS - Are you by any chance related to Ike 'n' Singer? Errm if there's any chance they might leave me a fortune in their will then absolutely! However the name doesn't ring any bells is it a he/she or they? Kind Regards Leonardo Rainbow
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Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse will happen all day