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   Pete Atkin

   Forgotten your log-in details?
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   Author  Thread: Forgotten your log-in details?  (Read 849 times)
S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve

Posts: 893
Forgotten your log-in details?
« : 16.01.24 at 22:53 »

From time to time I receive direct e-mail from members requesting username or password reminders or resets. I respond typically within (often well within) 2 days, sending them a new temporary password valid for one week and requesting they log in and set a new password of their choice.
Although as admin I have access to members' data files (this is a feature of the Forum software), I request they perform this action to minimise the risk of leakage: the member's chosen password isn't passed via e-mail, and the temporary one expires within seven days. As a result of this and other simple measures, MV hasn't suffered a spam or malware attack for many years.
Generally members comply without issue, and also follow my suggestions to (1) update their contact address while logged in to their Profile page, and (2) set a 'Nickname' or 'Handle' to mask the username they set on first joining MV. We're not the kind of freakoid hacker community where paranoia demands Jane Robinson hide behind "deädcøreZAKE" or some such alias.  
I don't object to nicknames as such, especially those featuring a humorous reference to the songs, but if you don't set one, your registration username (perhaps "jane_robinson") will be displayed, when "Jane Robinson" would be a better fit in a literate environment like ours.
However, just recently one or two of my reminder messages have been ignored: early last week I had, coincidentally and apparently independently, log-in reminder requests from two long-established members, let's call them "Ali" and "Jon", which I replied to appropriately. Their temporary PWs have now expired, yet they haven't logged in, let alone updated their log-in details. I've just extended the validity of their temporary passwords by another week.
I don't wish to exclude anyone -- memberships here never expire -- but I don't want to pester them with follow-up e-mails any more than I wish to go around the loop again in a few weeks' time when they realise they can't get in. If you're listening, Ali and Jon, please log in and set your new passwords while you can.
Anyone else who's lost their log-in details, mail me on <sjb(at)p---a----(dot)com> (substitute a well-known name for the dashes) and I'll sort you out. The rest of you please, check out your Profile page ('Profile' in the menu bar at the top of this page) and make any necessary changes.
Regards to all
Steve Birkill, admin.
    https://peteatkin.com/forum?board=members&action=display&num=1705445620&start=0#0   copy 

Stephen J Birkill
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