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   Clive James in "New Statesman"
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   Author  Thread: Clive James in "New Statesman"  (Read 9997 times)
Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 1144
Clive James in "New Statesman"
« : 16.12.15 at 15:46 »


The New Statesman poems of the year with Clive James - plus "Lineage" a new poem for Christmas by Carol Ann Duffy.

Kevin Cryan
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Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 1144
Re: Clive James in "New Statesman"
« Reply #1: 18.03.16 at 13:02 »

“Imminent catastrophe”: a poem by Clive James
“And though sometimes the weather is extreme / It seems no more so than when we were young. . .”
The imminent catastrophe goes on
 Not showing many signs of happening.
 The ice at the North Pole that should be gone
 By now, is awkwardly still lingering,
 And though sometimes the weather is extreme
 It seems no more so than when we were young
 Who soon will hear no more of this grim theme
 Reiterated in the special tongue
 Of manufactured fright. Sea Level Rise
 Will be here soon and could do such-and-such,
 Say tenured pundits with unblinking eyes.
 Continuing to not go up by much,

read on
Kevin Cryan
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Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 1144
Re: Clive James in "New Statesman"
« Reply #2: 28.07.16 at 20:49 »

The Times
Kaya Burgess
July 28 2016, 12:01am,  
The Times
Clive James makes poetic appeal for final trip home
Clive James, who is terminally ill and too unwell to return to his native Australia, has said that he would like his ashes to be scattered in Sydney harbour — presuming they are not seized by customs on arrival.
The broadcaster and poet, 76, has written a poem that he would like inscribed on a plaque at Dawes Point, a Sydney suburb overlooking the harbour.
Published in the New Statesman’s summer issue, the poem, Return of the Kogarah Kid, has footnote that reads: “In my will I have left instructions that my ashes should be scattered into Sydney harbour…

Return of the Kogarah Kid
Here I began and here I reach the end
From here my ashes go back to the sea
And take my memories of every friend
And love and anything dear to me,
Down to the darkness out of which the sun
Will rise again, this splendour never less:
In New Statesman summer issue
Kevin Cryan
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Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 1144
Re: Clive James in "New Statesman"
« Reply #3: 31.07.16 at 18:44 »

on 28.07.16 at 20:49, Kevin Cryan wrote:
The Times
Kaya Burgess
July 28 2016, 12:01am,  
The Times
Clive James makes poetic appeal for final trip home
Return of the Kogarah Kid
Here I began and here I reach the end
From here my ashes go back to the sea
And take my memories of every friend
And love and anything dear to me,
Down to the darkness out of which the sun
Will rise again, this splendour never less:
In New Statesman summer issue
Kevin Cryan

BBC RADIO 4 The World Tonight  
Clive James reads his latest poem
Writer and broadcaster, Clive James, has written a poem in the hope that it will be inscribed on a plaque overlooking Dawes Point and Sydney Harbour, where he has asked that his ashes be scattered.
Mr James is now too ill to return to his native Australia but recorded his poem, "Return of the Kogarah Kid" for The World Tonight.
The poem will be published in the summer issue of the New Statesman which is out tomorrow.
(Photo: Clive James. Credit: BBC)
Release date:  
29 July 2016  
2 minutes

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Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 1144
Re: Clive James in "New Statesman"
« Reply #4: 09.08.16 at 23:41 »

on 28.07.16 at 20:49, Kevin Cryan wrote:
The Times
Kaya Burgess
July 28 2016, 12:01am,  
The Times
Clive James makes poetic appeal for final trip home
Return of the Kogarah Kid
Here I began and here I reach the end
From here my ashes go back to the sea
And take my memories of every friend
And love and anything dear to me,
Down to the darkness out of which the sun
Will rise again, this splendour never less:
In New Statesman summer issue
Kevin Cryan

“Return of the Kogarah Kid”: a new poem by Clive James
Kevin Cryan
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Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 1144
Re: Clive James in "New Statesman"
« Reply #5: 21.11.19 at 14:53 »

Clive James: “What’s on my mind? Imminent personal extinction”

What’s currently bugging you?
If you mean what’s on my mind, the answer is “imminent personal extinction”. If you mean what’s irritating me, I am in a state of zen-like calm. Notice how I touch my fingertips together, thus. That’s how much I care about Brexit.

What would make your life better?
A Marks & Spencer individual bread and butter pudding.
When were you happiest?
Right now. I’m aways happiest when I’ve got a new book out. And there’s a new video out on YouTube of a song I wrote with Pete Atkin called “Canoe”. I’m still working, right up to the end, which is as good as life can get, in my view.

Kevin Cryan
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