S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
Another green clef for the Discography
« : 15.12.23 at 08:25 » |
This one is of historical and musical interest, especially to the guitarists among us. Find it among the selection buttons in Driving Through Mythical America alongside "Sunlight Gate". Or here: Sunlight Gate: El Gtr This is Pete's chart of the electric guitar part for the song, played by sessionman Chris Spedding at Morgan Studios in London NW10 on 11th March 1971. Note that the song, as written here and recorded, is in E flat, possibly to make things easier for some of the transposing instruments in the ensemble. Pete's Lead Sheet (the adjacent yellow clef) and our guitar chord chart, are in D. See also the Recording Session Notes for the LP. Steve