S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 893
The Luck of the Draw: I guess you liked it then...
« : 26.09.23 at 09:43 » |
Thank you Stradageek (in another thread). I think you're alone here in MV (so far) in revealing more than the mere fact that you like the album. Over on Facebook (in the PA & CJ group) we've seen about 15 members confirming the safe arrival of their copies, of whom a dozen or so have remarked how terrific, wonderful, fabulous, engaging or excellent they've found them, while three or four (notably Alastair Bickley and Colin Boag) have gone into a little more detail on a track or three. Thank you indeed, all, but let's have more. There's been a handful of press reviews (though some are blog rather than print -- thanks to those who posted copies here, or there); all very favourable, mostly drawing heavily on Pete's press release, but nothing destined to tickle the CD sales charts (if such things still exist) or even cover Pete's costs. I reckon at least 100 of our members have bought the CD so far. What we're missing is a few good, solid, honest, in-depth reviews, track by track, verse by verse, warts and all -- MV might be the best place for those more expansive comments, but share them across all your networks. Isn't he doing it right? What would you like him to do differently? Instead? Isn't this the most audience-friendly CD/performance/playlist you've ever encountered, and aren't these the greatest ever recordings of these songs? Do you expect more like this to just materialise out of thin air, when all but a handful of you keep shtumm about the CD and the gigs? (One such longer-form appreciation did materialise, but its author sent it to Pete privately, and hasn't yet shared it with MV or FB). Or instead, additionally even, how about a (glowing?) review and a star rating on Amazon, for instance? Without the widespread and vocal enthusiasm of MV members back in '99 we wouldn't have a new album to talk about now. Come on guys -- play the record again and start typing! And while we're at it, let's promote (in both senses) some more gigs. If you don't have the energy to mount an event yourself, lobby your local acoustic/jazz/folk/arts venue to book Pete -- the booking address is on the website -- while he's ready and willing to fit in clusters of one-nighters, private events too, even (as recently with Ambleside and Middlesbrough, see this thread). We have members the length and breadth of the UK, many of whom will know of suitable local music venues with dates to fill and strong membership lists. Put a show on in the barn. Bug the shit out of your favourite DJ. Noise it beyond the choir. Shout it from an upstairs window. Get the word out to local press and radio, posterize your local -- the pub and the neighbourhood. There's so much more we could be doing, rather than just complacently sitting back and waiting for the next ten-quid plastic disc (or whatever form it takes now the CD format seems to be obsolescent) to drop through our letterbox, digital or otherwise. Without a bit more effort on our part it might not happen! Steve