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   Oz CD
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   Author  Thread: Oz CD  (Read 9732 times)
Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 167
« : 07.06.05 at 00:47 »

Is there any news on the live Oz CD?
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
Pete Atkin
MV Deity

Posts: 508
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #1: 08.06.05 at 09:36 »

The main reason I'm holding off on this for another short while (yes, I know it has been a long string of short whiles) is that there's the possibility of doing a deal on it which, if it comes off, may improve the whole distribution and promotion thing.  But one way or another, it will be available, please trust me.    Watch this space.
Thanks, though, for keeping me nudged.
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Murray McGlew
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Re: Oz CD
« Reply #2: 09.06.05 at 09:42 »

Wow, and some of the applause on that album will be mine. At last that Warhol git has come good with the fifteen minutes of fame he promised me.
At least I think Pete mentioned at some stage that the Perth show was the recorded one.
PS Don't you just love the word "git"?
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Pete Atkin
MV Deity

Posts: 508
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #3: 09.06.05 at 17:45 »

That's right, Murray, it was!  Just makes me all the sorrier you didn't come and say hello!   Still hoping there'll be another opportunity.
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Murray McGlew
MV Feature

I love Midnight Voices!

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Re: Oz CD
« Reply #4: 17.06.05 at 12:22 »

Yes Pete, I do feel I could have done better. The trouble was, it was getting late and I had a three hour drive home and a 4.00am start next morning. When I saw the queue stretching right down the hall  I was overcome with weariness and made a break for it.
It is easy to see now that given that level of sleep deprivation an extra fifteen minutes wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference, but the thing was I had started at 4.00 that morning and I wasn't thinking clearly.
In fact I am facing a similar problem right now. The London Philharmonic Choir is coming out to do "Missa Solemnis" with the WA Symphony Orchestra next weekend at the Concert Hall (home of PA and CJ). Naturally both shows were sold out before I heard it was on (standard practise with anything classical in Perth). On impulse I answered some question on ABC radio and got tickets to see the rehearsal on the Thursday night.
Remembering the way I was on the Friday after your show I am not even considering going, so my mother will score the tickets. As you can see, I am even more of a wimp now than I was then.
My wife and I spent a fair bit of 1980 in the UK, and have been meaning to get back for another visit ever since. Having a family and earning a living got in the way for a long time, but we can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, so when we do make it back we will definitely try to coincide with one of your tours, and do things properly this time.
The more intimate type of venue and the presence of other MVs will make it even more enjoyable.
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John N L Morrison
MV Feature

Posts: 35
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #5: 07.10.05 at 23:11 »

Just played (most of) the first CD and am impressed enough to have immediately ordered a copy for friends who are out of the country at present.
Pete has probably never (note my ex-civil service cautiousness) been in better voice, and the guitar backing to "Sunlight Gate" is superb. He's on the left, so....
....why is Clive on the right sounding as if he's talking through his famous leather jacket rather than into the same mike as Pete? OK, we can hear what he's saying, but we'd really like to hear the Jamesian mellifluosity in hi-fi rather than lo-fi AM.
Perhaps it's better on the second CD....
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John N L Morrison
Pete Atkin
MV Deity

Posts: 508
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #6: 08.10.05 at 09:14 »

Hi John -- I suspect the effect you remark on is the result of the combination of Clive's being recorded off his tie clip mike and of the recording being taken from the PA feed, albeit on separate tracks.  The sound was being mixed and EQed primarily for the hall --which was, as you can probably tell, large (1800 audience) -- rather than for the recording.  Without wanting to apologise for it too much, we'd like to hope that as a record of an event it has some qualities which overcome those reservations.
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 236
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #7: 10.10.05 at 10:33 »

Pete wrote ;  
>we'd like to hope that as a record of an event it has some qualities which overcome those reservations.<
Well and it has - it's fantastic!
(longer comments may follow!)
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MV Fellow

Posts: 312
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #8: 11.10.05 at 01:07 »

When the Lakeside Sessions first came out I could occasionally be heard whinging about some of the keyboard voicings and wishing I could hear some of the tracks with simply voice and piano or guitar. (Although I later became very fond of the albums, especially on stressful days!)  
On Sunday morning, feeling rather sorry for myself because I wouldn't be able to go to the Lowry, I played the new CDs and remembered why I whinged. Its just voice with guitar and piano. (I'm sure someone will correct me if its all electronic!) This is the best performance of Sunlight gate I've heard, the guitar sounds superb and I see the joker -slower version - is another track not to be missed.
I agree that Clive sounds less than clear at first but either the sound improved or my ears adjusted because I only noticed for a few minutes. Pete's sound is crystal clear and, as always, worth hearing. Clive seems to be really enjoying himself, giving a great performance.
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Secret Drinker
MV Fixture

Paul Gunningham, MoM

Posts: 207
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #9: 11.10.05 at 17:10 »

My copy arrived while I was away last week, and I've only just got round to playing it. May I congratulate the dispatch department at Hillside Music for an excellent job, as we have come to expect - they even took the trouble to personally address the package to me by hand, rather than just apply a boring pre-printed label. But maybe the Hillside printing department was having problems that day?  Wink
Anyway, the CDs are just as I had hoped for - a great souvenir of the tour two years ago, with many of the most memorable moments, and some of the very best performances from both stars. Not that I was in Oz, mind, but the content is largely similar to what I can recall of the UK tour.
And not only that, but the Hillside packaging design department (who seem to be a subsidiary trading as Clear Design UK), have thoughtfully left plenty of white space for signatures this time.  Smiley
Cheers to all
Still keeping a low, but not quite as low as before, profile in Herts
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Staving off the pressure... by drinking real ale
Mike Walters
MV Fixture

Posts: 127
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #10: 11.10.05 at 17:43 »

Just to echo the plaudits from others, had a longish weekend driving around (ending up at The Lowry by some coincidence) listening to the Live CD...really excellent.  Maybe the sound on Clive's pieces could be improved a little (though to my clogged ears it's not bad), but the sound quality on Pete's performances is superb.  Like Jan, I've always enjoyed listening to Pete live just backed by his own guitar or piano...sometimes on the records you focus on the words or the arrangements and forget just how strong and distinctive the melodies are.  Joker and Sunlight Gate stand out particularly, but the whole thing is terrific.  And Hillside were as efficient as ever - I can only marvel at the way they manage to expedite delivery through those acres of warehousing, no doubt utilising the most sophisticated of supply chain systems...
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Keith Busby
MV Fixture

Posts: 167
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #11: 12.10.05 at 00:14 »

Thanks to the gnomes of Hillside Music (esp. the one with the suspiciously familiar handwriting) for the expeditious expedition of the OZ CD which arrived safely in darkest Wisconsin today. It will be my companion on the morning and evening commutes tomorrow.
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Commit THAT to Your Fragrant Memory!
Noam Greenberg
MV Friend

Posts: 15
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #12: 14.10.05 at 04:20 »

Just received the CDs (yet again, thanks Pete for the speedy delivery. Makes NZ feel just a little less like the other side of the world). They sound fascinating.  
Many have commented in the last years about the modern rendition of "I see the joker". It was my first hearing of it today. This version makes the paranoid violence of the song vivid. It made me think again about the "less is more" approach that is exemplified perhaps by the recording of "Eye of the universe" on the Lakeside Sessions. The new "joker" is quite the opposite and yet both work well to convey darker themes.  
With his music, Pete always keeps me on my toes. May I openly wish for more new material, another new album?
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Avner Greenberg
MV Feature

Posts: 61
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #13: 25.10.05 at 21:44 »

Just like to say how much I enjoy listening to OZ 2003. A really polished performance by the duo, with great sound and lovely adaptations of the songs. The frenetic, agitated keyboard accompaniment to I See The Joker is perfect, and I also particularly like the guitar on Prayer Against The Hitman. Glad to hear that we can look forward to a CD of the present tour.  
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Avner Greenberg
Pete Atkin
MV Deity

Posts: 508
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #14: 31.10.05 at 09:16 »

Thanks, Avner -- and everyone -- for your kind reactions.  But please don't jump to a too hasty conclusion, Avner:  yes, Martin Mitchell, our touro (to use the Oz word) has recorded a couple of the recent tour gigs on his Yamaha mutlitrack thingie, but I'm afraid that doesn't mean we have any plans to release a CD.  Interest in the Oz CD has not been overwhelming, to be honest, so if we were to think about making another live one available, I think it would have to be on a different basis.  Still, we'll see.   I haven't even listened to the recordings yet.
Thanks again, anyway.
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Avner Greenberg
MV Feature

Posts: 61
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #15: 03.11.05 at 10:47 »

Sorry to have jumped the gun there. Must pay more attention in class.
For those of you out there who fear they may tire of hearing about the Dunny Man after prolonged exposure, I suggest that this CD is well worth having just for the music. Remember, one day you'll have to shell out a 100 quid for a rare copy on ebay and the Hillside conglomerate won't see a penny of it.
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Avner Greenberg
Murray McGlew
MV Feature

I love Midnight Voices!

Posts: 55
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #16: 06.11.05 at 00:42 »

Good to see the disk is available, I must get organised and order a copy.
Regarding the Dunny Man and other stories, I was struck at the time by Clive's timing. He was taking the stories much more slowly and leaving much longer pauses than I would have dared. At first I thought he was overdoing it, then I realised that in fact he was getting it just right. There would be an initial laugh at the words, which would fade, then a later bigger laugh as the mental image sank in. At other times he would leave a long pause well before the punch-line, and let the audience giggle as they thought ahead to the awful possibilities. Being at the end of the tour probably helped, and he would have been allowing for the lag effect of a large crowd. I laughed as much as anyone else, though I've read the books countless times.
Comic timing is something I envy, and don't even begin to understand. I dabble in amateur theatre, and I find that no matter how funny a line is I can fail to get a laugh out of it.
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Seán Kelly
MV Fixture

Posts: 236
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #17: 07.11.05 at 20:11 »

>I find that no matter how funny a line is I can fail to get a laugh out of it.
Well stick to writing Murray - you're doing a good job just in that last line there (though I do detect the influence of a master!).
Back to topic ; come on everyone let's overwhelm Hillside - the music tracks alone are fab on this thing - and the spoken stuff is very funny too (mind you I may be separating the tracks on a home recording - just to luxuriate in the feeling of a solo Pete live album!)
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Leslie Moss
MV Fixture

Marmite Soldier

Posts: 161
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #18: 08.11.05 at 21:48 »

[quote author=Pete Atkin link=board=Music;num=1118101643;start=0#14 date=10/31/05 at 09:16:38]  Interest in the Oz CD has not been overwhelming, to be honest
Oops, I knew there was something I'd forgotten to do - it's what comes of having an album release coinciding with an exam.
My order to Hillside is in the post.
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Gerry Smith
MV Fixture

Posts: 222
Re: Oz CD
« Reply #19: 09.11.05 at 15:01 »

on 31.10.05 at 09:16, Pete Atkin wrote:
 Interest in the Oz CD has not been overwhelming,  

This is a pity.  I am delighted with my copy which I bought at Canterbury after the show.  Notwithstanding earlier posts about Clive sounding muffled (?) it sounds clear as a bell to me either played on my car stereo or on the hi-fi. The CD's really capture the atmosphere of the shows and contain excellent renditions of the songs. Even if you have studio copies of all the songs already, it is refreshing to hear them played live. It's only a tenner anyway!!
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Out playing the saxes
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