Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 1144
Bernie Andrews (Aug 1933 - June 2010)
« : 21.07.10 at 10:49 » |
The producer of Pete Atkin's first BBC Radio Session, and the man whose proud boast it was that he'd produced The Beatles first radio recording and first Radio Session, Bernie Andrews, died on the 11th of June this year. One would have thought that the passing of such a key figure in popular culture – and he undoubtedly was that - might attracted much more attention than it has, but then, since the job of persuading BBC bigwigs to give The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, John Peel or any of the other people he championed in the 1960s or 1970s airspace is not by its nature terribly glamorous, he probably was never destined to be famous enough to have his absence felt. Annie Nightingale's obituary in today's edition of The Guardian, written as it is by someone with first-hand experience of how important Bernie and his lke are, and were, in setting some standards for the broadcast of popular music at Radio 1, goes somewhere towards reminding us just how important a man like Bernie really was. Kevin Cryan