Kevin Cryan
MV Fellow
 I love Midnight Voices!
Posts: 1144
Re: Russell Davies invites you
« Reply #1: 17.06.08 at 09:16 » |
on 16.06.08 at 09:47, Kevin Cryan wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOTE:[link] As requested by some of you who intend coming to meet us (Russell and Roy*) when we play al fresco from mid-day for the ARC Jazz Picnic on Sunday 29th of this month in Hartley, Kent - and who intend to use your SATNAV to find us, the post-code is DA3 8DY. Your destination is the Manor Field cricket ground. See you there! | | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Cryan * Wise Buddah producer Roy Oakshott. |
| ADDITIONAL INFORMATION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunday, June 29, 2008  | Annie Bright Manor Field - Jazz Picnic | "The Hartley Jam" Jazz Picnic from 12 noon to 6pm. Annie sings with the Radio Rhythmakers band in aid of Arthritis Research Campaign. Further details: 01474 706437 | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gary Williams June, 29 2008 at Charity Jazz Picnic Manor Field, Church Road (near All Saints Church), Hartley, London and South East DA3 8DW Cost : £6 12noon - 6pm Jazz with “The Radio Rhythmakers” inc. Russell Davies, Dave Gelly, Joe Mudele + Mike Richards’ Big Band Tickets £6 per adult (Bring a picnic; or snacks/tea available!) Celebrities – Gary Williams & Alan Dedicoat Stalls - Games - Pony rides – Pimms & Chardonnay Enquiries and tickets Tel: 01474 703610 All proceeds to Arthritis Research Campaign (arc) - Reg. Charity No. 207711 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Cryan