S J Birkill
MV Administrator

just a sensible reserve
Posts: 889
Woking, June 21st
« : 09.03.25 at 21:55 » |
A new gig for the diary: Organised by Chris Harris on behalf of the Anchor Folk Club in Woking, Surrey, this gig will be an exception to their regular Folk Club schedule of monthly Thursday events. Instead, Pete's performance will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 21st, in... The Coffee Lounge, St Andrews Church, Goldsworth Park Centre, Denton Way, Woking, Surrey, GU21 3LG. [ At this time the lounge will not be serving food or drink, so it will be a 'bring your own' affair. ] Admission will cost £10, cash on the door. It's not a large space, and there is no formal on-line booking, but reservations can be made by e-mail to <pawokiing2025@gmail.com> [sic*], stating name, number of reservations required, and (optionally) a contact phone number. [ * e-mail address as quoted by Chris -- we might suspect a typo and duplicate our mail to 'pawoking2025'. Chris intends to update the Club website and produce a flyer in due course, so no doubt he will include the correct address, but in any case I'll check and confirm here before adding it to the Gig Guide -- SJB ]