See also chords page.
Between us The streets are swept away The tablecloth is all the world The rest is just the passing day Outside of this are Soho and the far-flung islands The stripjoints in the alleys and the grainhulks anchored in the bay Between us The wristwatch comes to rest The sunlight's in your hands and eyes By which the bread and wine are blessed Away from here are Soho and the green seas in the west The trainee seagulls contour-flying through the swell's long trough and crest Between us there is nothing but the shadow Of the future that will never let us go To be together Between us there is nothing but the snowline Of the country where you will not be mine Its savage weather Between us A wineglass learns to cry But only we will reach the end The rest is just a passing-by Outside of this are Soho and the mangrove deltas The dustbins in the doorways and the Spanish goldtrails in the sky Between us there is nothing but a promise Of the future that will make no place for us To be together Between us there is nothing but the condor And the miles of air towards the valley floor A falling feather Between us There is nothing
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