Members of Midnight Voices with their own or a mention in their organisation/department's Web pages:

          (These links updated 14.04.02 -- but our members revise their Web presences frequently, so there will be duff links!)

  • Nick Adie maintains his family's genealogy site, but his pages for s/w house BrokenMould look strange in Netscape.
  • Graeme Aldous, freelance broadcaster, writer and film maker, runs his own TV production company in the north-east.
  • Jim Arnold designed the old Website for Chichester City Band, seeks to improve amenities in Bosham, West Sussex.
  • Oliver Ash lives in Paris, France, and aims to establish a local supporters' club for UK soccer team West Ham United.
  • Hugo Barclay  is chairman of the Independent Craft Galleries Association, and runs a gallery in the Lanes, Brighton.
  • Louis Barfe is Chief Projectionist at The Picture Palace, a Website totally dedicated to the architecture of the cinema.
  • Simon Bayley is a language instructor in the Department of English at Asahikawa Medical College, Hokkaido, Japan.
  • Craig Baylis is a partner in City law firm Paisner & Co., specialising in the issues of food safety and liquor licensing.
  • Steve Bennett's Website covers archaeology, radio-controlled model boats, and Fairport Convention.  Pete Atkin page.
  • Louis Berk, economist from a banking and retail background, an e-commerce consultant with an informative Website.
  • Cary Bernard has a splendid site devoted to the two 1970s musical TV serials Rock Follies, starring Julie Covington.
  • Tim Binsted and Ian Chippett have little biographies on this Stackridge site. Ian now has his own 'official' site (below).
  • Alexis Birkill's abode includes a 360° panoramic view of his study bedroom in Sheffield. Prefers Java and Crescendo.
  • Steve Birkill:  ex-broadcast engineer, satellite TV pioneer, designs RF tuners for entertainment electronics products.
  • Simon Birtwistle ('Nemo') is Technical Director of Cerilica Ltd, designing software for the Acorn RISC OS platform.
  • Jon Blunt, ex Bristol University and MIT, now President of  Info|Ed, an IT management consultancy in Massachusetts.
  • Colin Boag is  MD  of  JBS Computer Services,  specialising in industrial and business software for the IBM AS/400.
  • Andrew Boff - political revue star, ex Conservative mayoral and Euro candidate.  Runs IT consultancy Creative Juices.
  • Dave Bondy plays the Uilleann Pipes, as well as operating an amateur radio station,  but probably not at the same time!
  • Elinor and Chris Bostock breed Birman and Somali cats. Their site documents the history of the breeds, and cat cults.
  • Alison Brooks and David Flin's Website features Iran, UK charities database, amusing links and 'alternate histories'.
  • Barry Brown is an architect in Cambridge,  a contemporary of Pete's,  and designed the new Cambridge Arts Theatre.
  • Paul Bucknell : a dentist with a practice in Bristol, has studied computing and is active in Web design and publishing.
  • Peter Burnhill is manager of the Data Library in the Computing Services department at the  University of  Edinburgh.
  • Ken Caird runs the New Dawn Folk Club, "the only folk club in Glasgow". (Thursdays, 20.15 at 46 Queen Street G1).
  • Mike Cater works in supported housing, enjoys motorbike racing, Leonard Cohen and the SF novels of Iain M Banks.
  • Jonathan Cave is an economist at Warwick University,  with links to Delft University of Technology and Rand Europe.
  • Edmund Chattoe,  sociologist, maintains pages on singer/songwriters Philip Jeays and Jake Thackray.  For Sale list!
  • Ian Chippett,  originally from Bristol, now lives with Madame and their three kids in Paris, where he teaches English.
  • Chris Clarke's Website carries listings for a number of folk clubs in the area of Surrey,  Berkshire and Hampshire.
  • Jack Coates  is with the planning department of the MIS group at the Jordanstown campus of the University of  Ulster.
  • Richard Corfield, science writer & Oxford earth scientist,  specializing in the climatic impact of  'greenhouse' gases.
  • Roger Cornwell is a telecomms systems engineer with a distinguished career in BT.  Family page -- see Jean Rogers.
  • Mike Cross edits the BSFA (British Science Fiction Association) Magazines Index and is active in the Hull SF Group.
  • Ben Coulson's site,  dedicated to the Rushden Historical Transport Society. See him on the mendoza with  Dr Busker.
  • Kate Cummings ('Keith Cameron' in Unreliable Memoirs) is an old friend of Clive's from his Sydney University days.
  • Ian Davie is the founder and Managing Director of  Cheshire-based business consultancy firm  Rethink International.
  • John Denton designs Websites, better than this. His links page claims a lack of ideas for links. What about us, John!
  • Brian Derby is Director of  Oxford Centre for Advanced Materials and Composites,  based at the University of Oxford.
  • Fran Dowd, 'foodie' and SF fan, lives in Sheffield and chairs Intuition, organising the British National SF Convention.
  • Karen Dust  is the Education Officer in the Planning and Development group of the Eastern Arts Board in Cambridge.
  • Paul Edgington of  Bicester runs the 1500-strong Triumph Dolomite Club and publishes the magazine Dolly Mixture.
  • Martin Eldon, director of Marlin, is a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) training practitioner & psychotherapist.
  • Michael Farringdon's field is attribution, literary and forensic, using the CuSums method, and he deals in rare books.
  • Janet Finlay lectures in Interactive Technology at the University of Huddersfield, and also rears Maremma sheepdogs.
  • Daniel Finkelstein  OBE,  political theorist,  has served as a leading member of the Conservative Party's 'think tanks'.
  • David Gibson runs an electronics design consultancy, specialises in VLF underground radio.  Ivor Cutler session list.
  • Steve Gilbert's family site, under development.  Look out for family Christmas letters, Dilbert, Gilberts and mustards.
  • Tony Glass and Ann Drew run sales training and motivation specialists and Web promotions company The Motivators.
  • Rod Goodman is a professor at Caltech, Pasadena, researching neural networks for sensing hearing, touch and smell.
  • Duncan Gray is with Strathclyde Police.  His Website features hillwalking links,  the Munros and the Arrochar Alps.
  • Noam Greenberg is a graduate student in mathematics at Cornell University, Ithaca NY. He enjoys a game of scrabble.
  • David Griffin,  originally from Bristol, is an astrophysicist in Sweden.  He writes about brown dwarfs and X-ray novae.
  • David Gritten,  showbiz writer, has many a fine article on the Web.  AltaVista finds over 40 and WebFerret about 100!
  • Paul Gunningham's Adge Cutler  page is dedicated to "Scrumpy 'n' Western".  And he has his own Pete Atkin  page!
  • Mike Hodges, now sadly deceased, was a contemporary of Pete and senior lecturer at the London School of Economics.
  • Adam Holden is reading for a Ph.D in urban policy at the Centre for Urban Policy Studies,  University of  Manchester.
  • Tom Holt's fan site is run by Swede Calle Åsman, and includes some more of Tom's occasional lyrics and 'filk' songs.
  • Mark Huckvale lectures in Speech Sciences in the Dept. of  Phonetics and Linguistics at  University College, London.
  • Julian the Juggler -- singer, songwriter, clown, magician, unicyclist, Master of Revels. Ran away to Circus Unlimited.
  • Sean Kelly interviews ex Van der Graaf Generator musician Judge Smith about his latest project, "Curly's Airships".
  • Kenny Kerr writes songs, has his own studio,  plays guitar and fiddle around the Edinburgh pubs,  and writes software.
  • Tony Kingsbury's site is nostalgic for the British 60s/70s folk scene. Publicity for the original Together At Last tour.
  • Bob Kingsley is a Voice with a voice which may be familiar --  he's a professional voice-over and character voice artist.
  • Peter Knight lectures in Physical Geography at Keele University. He draws, paints, photographs, writes his own songs.
  • Jan Lipsansky, 'Honza' Lipansk. Was with Ceske Televize (Czech Republic TV), now writing for PC World in Prague.
  • Nigel Long is at the Hartley Library, University of Southampton. His Website features the Charlotte Rampling eGroup.
  • Andy Love,  Midnight Voices  librarian,  hosts the Website for SoD2k,  2000's annual MV gathering in Milton Keynes.
  • Angus Maciver does Multimedia at Gaelic Medium Education, Lewis, Outer Hebrides. Gaelic calendar. Michael Marra.
  • Michael Maister is Group M.D.  of strategic market research and marketing consultancy company Research in Focus.
  • Paul Margerison is a Web consultant, cyber-artist at the OU's Design Discipline, and erstwhile glass-blower.  Works.
  • Paul McLellan is V.P. of Strategic Marketing at Silicon Valley semiconductor design house Cadence Design Systems.
  • Alan Mills is a physicist, lectures in structural molecular biology at Birkbeck, and is a director of Venus Internet Ltd.
  • Carmel Morris: electrical engineer, graphic and stereogram designer, origamist, children's author, The Prisoner fan.
  • Sylfest Muldal gives us a tour of his holiday cottage deep in the Radnor Forest.  Lots of clickworthy views.  Java jigsaw.
  • Nick Munton runs a Website for the Leeds Cycling Action Group, working with the City Council to improve conditions.
  • Ev Murray, Scottish SF fan, has her photo featured in the apfpy (alt.penpals.forty-plus-years) CyberPub rogues' gallery.
  • Martin Nail,  Research Programme Manager with the LIC.  His personal Website is devoted to folk song & dance clubs.
  • Stuart Neville, self-confessed ageing hippy, systems consultant with Direct Communications Software Ltd of Aldershot.
  • Jeremy Newton is Chief Exec. of NESTA, the National Endowment (the UK's first) for Science, Technology and the Arts.
  • Derrick Palmer is Director,  Internet Business Strategy & Research at San Francisco IT consultancy Novo Interactive.
  • Bill Pannifer, journalist, is a DAT-Head, a Dead-Head, and finds time to edit the Independent's weekly web sites column.
  • Stephen Payne is a professor of psychology at the University of Cardiff, with an interest in human/computer interaction.
  • Ray Pemberton's International Air Quality Visualisation and Management Home Page is no more -- he's now with SGS.
  • Andrew Perry is a pupil at the European School in Brussels. He plays drums in the school jazz band, and wears a watch.
  • Jon Peterson programs in Perl for the Apache Web server under Unix. His website features the DVD encryption crack.
  • Tim Phillipson is seeking to trace his contemporaries from Westwoods Grammar School,  Northleach in the Cotswolds.
  • Cynthia Poole runs Cobalt CG service, researches Le Corbusier's Palais des Nations at the University of Westminster.
  • Hamilton Pruim's site features his interests - books, cars, dogs, food and travel. His books page quotes the BotBS lyric.
  • David Ian Rabey: Reader in Theatre Studies at U of W Aberystwyth; Artistic Director of the Lurking Truth Theatre Co.
  • Drew Rankine,  Director of SEPS at the University of Glasgow and member of the IOSH Policy Development Committee.
  • Simon Reap's home page features Terry Pratchett, Loudon Wainwright III and some of Simon's own Java programming.
  • Chris Reichardt handles Personal Tax, Trusts & Partnerships at Steele, Robertson & Co, City Chartered Accountants.
  • John Robinson,  originally from Sheffield, is now an IT engineering professor at Memorial University in Newfoundland.
  • Jean Rogers' Website, Shadow Gallery is devoted to the art and culture of comics (the printed kind) and the comic strip.
  • Richard Ross designs electronic equipment  (timers, thermometers and densitometers) for the photographic darkroom.
  • Kathy Rowan's site employs curly text. Elfin (20) loves cats and obscure, but perfectly valid weird words.  Missing photo.
  • Yvonne Rowse, a member of the SF Fanzine community,  publishes Barmaid, contributes to Taking Children Seriously.
  • Rob Rudderham (30th Century Comics) also contributed to this comic heroes in lyrics page, but where's The Phantom?
  • Dave Sampson is organiser of the very active Wurzel Bush Folk Club,  Brinklow,  near Rugby, where Pete once played.
  • Jim Scrivener, author of  Learning Teaching,  is Director of Education  at the  International House School in Budapest.
  • Charlie Seaward is a solicitor with BSDR,  plays keyboard with Man Jumping, runs record label Shaping The Invisible.
  • Martin Sebborn is with Telemedia Systems, Cambridge. His personal site hosts the Cambridge Advanced Motorcyclists.
  • Janice Sim is Head of Technical Services, Library & Learning Resources at the University of Wales College, Newport.
  • David Sinfield is a computer programmer and analyst, on Internet-related client/server applications. He lives in Surrey.
  • Gerry Smith runs his own Web design consultancy, Broadwater Design. When off-line he plays blues on the saxophone.
  • Ian Sorensen teaches in Scotland.  He is very active in SF/fanzine publishing and conventioning as co-chair, Corflu UK.
  • Rob Spence has a passion for poetry.  He teaches English Literature at Edge Hill University College, Ormskirk, Lancs.
  • Peter Summersgill is a bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,  a biker and a computing consultant.
  • Charles Sutherland is a yachting enthusiast on the Clyde, and a consultant pathologist at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
  • John Tolputt, a Cambridge contemporary of Pete, is headmaster of Rendcomb College, public school in Gloucestershire.
  • Nick Tothill is a research student in the Astrophysics Group,  Queen Mary & Westfield College,  University of London.
  • C Underwood, self-taught musician, champions Florida's indie bands (including his own, Hokum). Sound clips available.
  • Graham Veevers is a TV cameraman who has worked on many successful programmes shot in and around Manchester.
  • Andy Victor,  singer and songwriter,  plays the East Midlands folk circuit with Nigel, as acoustic duo The Seamonkeys.
  • Jeremy Walton's Numerical Algorithms Group creates numerical & visualisation applications,  notably IRIS Explorer.
  • Paul Walton : Chairman of marketing innovation specialists The Value Engineers. Nominate your favourite innovation!
  • John Webb is Head of Astrophysics at  UNSW,  studying cosmic matter distribution through quasar absorption spectra.
  • Ian West is a member of the 'Tuesday Occasionals', singing choral harmony church music in the East Midlands region.
  • Roger Burton West believes his site should be lean and clean. And he champions the ontologically challenged -- unreal!
  • Helen White shares her Website with Beth, Brian, Gordon, Izzy, James, Stan and Nigel. They're all very neatly hidden!
  • Timothy Willson works as an analyst and programmer with the MIS Group of the University of York computing service.
  • Mark Wing-Davey  is a noted actor and director,  and Chief Executive of The Actors Centre in London's Covent Garden.
  • Cliff Woolley runs the Folk Around Bristol Website -- comprehensive coverage of all local folk music and dance events.
  • Raymond Wright  enjoys being a caller at barn dances and ceilidhs, often with Hetty Pegler's Tump in Gloucestershire.
  • Peter Young : Town Clerk of the city of Lichfield, Staffordshire in the English Midlands, birthplace of Samuel Johnson.

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