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Posts: 27
Avoiding the limelight with Pete
« : 26.07.10 at 16:20 » |
Interesting programme on Radio 4 this morning – “Alan Johnson: Failed Rock Star” – that’s ex Home Secretary Alan Johnson. Available on BBC iPlayer until 9:47am Monday 2nd August 2010. “In Episode two Alan meets Chris Spedding - a guitarist who has played with many of the biggest names in rock but who, except for one top ten hit, has nearly always managed to avoid the limelight himself. He was on Top of The Pops - but sometimes hidden inside a Womble outfit. Alan and Chris discuss what the rock and roll life is like when you're not that famous”. While listening to Chris talking about the various sessions he had worked on, and disappointed that he did not mention his work with Pete Atkin, I was of course thinking of Sessionman’s Blues “ ... my tenor blows what's on the chart - A single run through and I've got the whole solo by heart”. So I checked to see which of the tracks for Driving Through Mythical America Chris S had played on. And lo and behold on the first of the four, Sunlight Gate, Pete’s own sleeve notes (Edsel Edition) state “I had written out a complete part for Chris Spedding, intended more as an indication of the kind of thing I would like from him than as a strict set of instructions, but what he plays here is note for note precisely what I wrote for him”. What a star – and Pete also recounts that he borrowed Chris’ spare acoustic guitar, as he had no spare strings for his own.